
The Feedback AI Assistant is our market leading text and sentiment analysis tool powered by Gaugie AI, it is a more powerful and reliable way to derive structured data from comments without the need to maintain a training library.

How it works

The assistant will analyze the comment and look for any of the topics you have set up in System Admin. If a topic is mentioned the assistant will then assign a sentiment to the detected topic. A topic can only be assigned one sentiment: positive, negative, neutral or mixed.

Topic analysis

Detects any relevant topics mentioned in the comment based on the list of topics managed in Feedback AI Topics.

For example: “our account manager is really supportive and the support desk is very fast to solve any of our issues” this comment would have two topics detected - "Account Manager" and "Support Speed".

Sentiment analysis

Assigns a sentiment (positive, negative, neutral or mixed) to the detected topics in a customer comment based on the feeling that the topic was mentioned.

One of the best uses of sentiment analysis is the ability to get the “feeling of a topic” without having to read every single feedback. You can leverage this to pick up on trends and where improvements are needed.


The Privacy settings for Feedback AI, including any data that gets redacted such as personal identifiable information (PII) and business identifiable information (BII) are controlled by your System Admin. No additional data is sent other than what is in the survey comment.

How to get started

  • The first step is to get all the relevant topics for your business added in the Feedback AI Topics management page and make sure only the topics you'd like to be detected are activated.
  • With your topics all ready, contact your account manager and request the Feedback AI Assistant to be turned on.

Manage Topics (Add, Remove, Update)

In the Survey Record page the topics attached to a comment can be managed, allowing you to add a new topic, remove an existing topic or update a topic's sentiment. For a step by step guide, click here.

Language interaction

The Feedback AI Assistant is able to comprehend multiple languages and will detect the topics even if the comment made is in a different language than the topic was set up.

For example: if you set up your topics in english and you receive some comments in spanish, the AI will still be able to detect the topics and they will be shown in the platform with the same Reporting Label that you have set them up with, regardless of the language in the comment.

Important to keep in mind

  • When setting up your topics, avoid having multiple topics with a similar meaning.
  • Although the limit of topics is 250, try to maintain only topics that are useful and relevant activated.
  • Only comments that has at least 10 characters and less than 2000 characters are analyzed.
  • Only responses received after the feature was turned on are analyzed.
  • Gaugie AI may still sometimes inaccurately detect Topics.

Topics & Sentiment Reporting


Currently the following widgets are able to report on Topics and/or Sentiments:

API Support

Our GET Responses API can be used to retrieve the topics and sentiment of records when sending a request with the tags parameter, for more detailed information, refer to the support page linked above.