This feature is currently in beta. If you would like early access to our powerful Feedback AI, please contact your account manager for more information.


This feature is used to manage the topics that the Feedback AI should search for in the NPS Comment left by the respondent. You will be able to create, edit, activate and deactivate topics here.

Limits for Topics and Detection

Detection only occurs for comments that have at least 10 characters and at most 2000 characters. If a comment does not satisfy this condition, it won't be analyzed by the Feedback AI.

Topics amount: The maximum amount of activated topics is 250. When this limit is reached you will not be able to create or activate a new topic. So make sure you deactivate a few topics in case you reach the limit and would like to add new topics. There is currently no limit for deactivated topics.

Topics name and reporting labels: The maximum amount of characters allowed is 50.

Managing topics

Create a topic

1. Navigate to Settings → System Admin → System Settings → Gaugie AI → Feedback AI Topics.

2. Click on +New Topic.
3. Fill in your desired topic Name and the Reporting Label that will be shown in reporting widgets.

Name: this is the subject the AI will verify when analyzing the NPS comment.

Reporting Label: this is the label that will be displayed on reporting widgets. 

4. Click on Save to add your new topic.

Edit a topic

1. Navigate to Settings → System Admin → System Settings → Gaugie AI → Feedback AI Topics.

2. Find the topic you would like to edit and click on the Actions menu (3 dots).

3. Click on Edit.

4. Make any changes you would like to Name and Reporting Label

5. Click on Save to save your changes.

Activate or Deactivate a topic

1. Navigate to Settings → System Admin → System Settings → Gaugie AI → Feedback AI Topics.

2. Find the topic you would like to edit and click on the Actions menu (3 dots).

3. Click on Activate or Deactivate.