
Now that you've learned how to get started with the Survey Suite and how Surveys work in CustomerGauge, it's time to create your survey, or edit a survey already present in your system.

Creating a New Survey

When clicking the 'New Survey' button you'll start a step-by-step process to create a new survey.

  1. Survey Type: You can choose between Campaign Surveys or Pop-up Surveys
  2. Branding: You can choose any of the Brandings in your system to apply on your Survey.
  3. Languages: You can choose one or more languages that you want your Survey to be presented in. A list of all supported languages in CustomerGauge Surveys can be found here.

  1. Survey Name: The name of the Survey is displayed at the top-left of the page and can be edited by clicking the pencil icon.
  2. Surveys button: The Surveys button takes you back to the Survey Suite overview.
  3. Save button: The Save button allows you to save your changes. These will be reflected on the live survey immediately.
  4. View button: The View button allows you to get a preview of your survey, without needing to upload data to send a survey record.
  5. Tabs: The tabs allow you to switch to the different sections of your Survey setup. Each is described in detail below.

Editor tab

The Editor tab is where you can create and modify your survey questions, and manage the overall survey structure.

  • Language Selection: You can choose which language to edit your survey in. All of the languages enabled on the survey will be available.
  • Page indicator: This shows which page will be displayed below the line break.
  • Add Widget: Clicking the Add Widget button will bring up a pop-up where you can select the widget you want to add. Depending on the widget, there may be additional steps to complete before it can be added to your survey.
  • Widget Actions: 
    • Edit widget:You can edit a widget by selecting the actions button (three dots) when hovering over that widget. Each widget has its own relevant actions — more about the settings available for each widget can be found below. Some common actions are:
      • Settings contains settings that change the behaviour of the widget, such as making the question mandatory.
      • Translations allows you to set up the labels for the question. If you use only one question on your survey, you'll still use the Translations action to add the relevant labels.
    • Move widget: When clicking the Move widget action all available slots to place the widget will light up. Simply click one of the blue areas to drop the widget in that position. Some widgets interact with each other; we recommend to keep the NPS widget before the NPS Drivers, NPS Comment, and Follow-up widgets.
    • Remove widget: To remove a widget, click on the Remove widget action. You must always keep at least one widget on each page.
  • Footer: You can modify the footer by hovering over it and clicking the actions button (three dots), then selecting 'Translations'. This allows you to manage the translations of the footer in all enabled languages. You don't have to change every footer area on your Survey; if you change one footer, it changes all the footers in the Survey you're editing.
  • Thank You Page: The final page of the survey is the Thank You Page, where you can thank your customers for their feedback. Only Custom Text widgets can be added to this page, and you can edit the texts/translations by hovering over it and clicking the actions button (three dots). You can also add multiple Custom Text widgets and use Display Conditions to present specific thank you pages, based on the NPS Loyalty of the respondent, for example.


In this section we'll highlight each widget you can add to your Survey, along with any information you need to know when using them.


The NPS widget allows you to ask your customers how likely they are to recommend you, and populates the NPS Reporting.

  • The NPS widget is always mandatory for respondents.
  • You can add Translations for the NPS question label, Lowest score label, Highest score label, and the Mandatory error message.
  • Limit: 1 per Survey

Pro-tip: Position this widget before the NPS Drivers, NPS Comment, and Follow-up widgets.

NPS Drivers

The NPS Drivers widget allows you to ask your customers the reason for their NPS score, and populates the Drivers Reporting.

  • The labels in Drivers are populated through the Drivers Editor. Changes in the Drivers Editor will be reflected in all Surveys.
  • This widget requires at least 1 Driver to Display to be selected when saving the Survey. Remove the widget if you do not wish to ask this question.
  • You're able to change the order of Drivers on your survey through the 'Order Drivers' action. This allows you to change the order in which your Drivers are displayed without impacting other surveys. Simply point and click to change the order of your Drivers - any available space will be lit up. Note that Secondary Drivers need to stay within their parent Primary Driver.
  • This widget can be on the same page as the NPS question, but we recommend putting the widget on a later page. The context of the Drivers change based on the NPS score, which could influence the score a respondant gives.
  • Limit: 1 per Survey

Pro-tip: Position this widget after the NPS question.

NPS Comment

The NPS Comment widget allows you to ask your customers for a more descriptive reason of their NPS Score, and gets reported under NPS Comments reporting. The response of this widget can be translated, and Topics can be found through Text Analytics.

  • The response of this widget can be translated to English. This is a purchased add-on.
  • Comment Sentiment and mentioned Topics can be found through Text Analytics and Sentiment Analysis. This is a purchased add-on.
  • Limit: 1 per Survey

Pro-tip: Position this widget after the NPS question. This can be on the same page, or the page after the NPS question.


The Follow-up widget allows you to ask whether your customers want to be followed up with. This question can be used to trigger New Response Alerts in Workflow Rules, and will be indicated on the Survey Record Page.

  • This widget is displayed to Promoters and Passives only (by default). It's considered best practice to follow-up with any Detractor.
  • You can enable 'Request Follow Up Details' to gather contact information that you might be missing to close the loop. Remember to add Translations after turning this setting on.
  • Limit: 1 per Survey

Pro-tip: Position this widget after the NPS question. This can be on the same page, or the page after the NPS question.

Matrix Group

The Matrix Group widget lets you combine similar Rating questions into a compact view, so survey respondents can answer faster and more easily. This is useful when there are several similar Rating questions asked one after the other, using the same scale and labels.

  • This widget has its own "Lowest score label" and "Highest score label" fields. These labels, not the ones from the individual Rating questions, appear at the top of the matrix in the survey.

  • You can change the order of Rating questions in the Matrix Group using the 'Order Questions' feature. Just click to change the order—available spaces will light up to guide you.

  • When adding this widget, you can select Rating questions that are already in your system. If you use an existing question, any answers to it will be shown under that question, even if you change the translation. We recommend not changing the meaning of a question when using existing ones.

  • Limit: 25 per Survey

The Matrix Group widget can only consist of:

  • Survey questions that are the Rating type.
  • Rating type questions that use the exact same scale range (e.g. 0-10, 1-5, etc.)

    • Example: you cannot create a Matrix Group widget that combines a Rating question with a 0-10 scale with another Rating question that uses a 1-10 scale.

Pro-tip: We recommend to limit Matrix Group widgets to one or two per survey, and keep each Matrix focused on 3-5 key areas to ensure respondents stay engaged and provide more accurate feedback, boosting response rates.

Customer Effort Score

The Customer Effort Score widget allows you to gauge how much effort a certain action took. This question is best used in Transactional Surveys, such as at the end of a Support Ticket or online purchase. You can report on the Customer Effort Score questions using the 'Additional Score' Reporting.

  • When adding this widget, you'll be able to choose CES questions already present in your system. When choosing an already present question, any answers given to this question will be reported under the question you chose, even if you change the translation to something else. We highly recommend not changing the meaning of a question when using questions already present in the system.
  • Limit: 1 per Survey.

Pro-tip: We recommend using only one scale (NPS, CES, CSAT, or Rating) question in a survey. Combining multiple scale questions in the same Survey can cause a confusing user experience and has no added benefit for your actionable insights.

Customer Satisfaction Score

The Customer Satisfaction Score widget allows you to gauge how satisfied your customers are about portions of an interaction. This question is best used in Transactional Surveys, such as at the end of a Support Ticket or online purchase. You can report on the Customer Satisfaction Score questions using the 'Additional Score' Reporting.

  • When adding this widget, you'll be able to choose CSAT questions already present in your system. When choosing an already present question, any answers given to this question will be reported under the question you chose, even if you change the translation to something else. We highly recommend not changing the meaning of a question when using questions already present in the system.
  • Limit: 150 per Survey.

Pro-tip: We recommend using only one scale (NPS, CES, CSAT, or Rating) question in a survey. Combining multiple scale questions in the same Survey can cause a confusing user experience and has no added benefit for your actionable insights.


The Rating widget is used to measure any question that requires a scale to answer. This question is best used in Transactional Surveys, at times where NPS, CES, or CSAT methodologies do not apply.

  • When adding this widget, you'll be able to choose Rating questions already present in your system. When choosing an already present question, any answers given to this question will be reported under the question you chose, even if you change the translation to something else. We highly recommend not changing the meaning of a question when using questions already present in the system.
  • Limit: 150 per Survey.

Pro-tip: We recommend using only one scale (NPS, CES, CSAT, or Rating) question in a survey. Combining multiple scale questions in the same Survey can cause a confusing user experience and has no added benefit for your actionable insights.

Single Line Text

The Single Line Text widget allows you to ask any additional single-line free-form text question.

  • When adding this widget, you'll be able to choose Single Line Text questions already present in your system. When choosing an already present question, any answers given to this question will be reported under the question you chose, even if you change the translation to something else. We highly recommend not changing the meaning of a question when using questions already present in the system.
  • Limit: 150 per Survey.

Pro-tip: We recommend limiting the use of Single Line Text or even avoiding them altogether. Short surveys yield better results and an individual Single Line Text question can provide valuable feedback without overwhelming your respondents.

Additional Comment

The Additional Comment widget allows you to ask any additional free-form text question. This question is best used to ask the reason for giving a CES score, and can be reported on using the Additional Comment Reporting.

  • When adding this widget, you'll be able to choose Additional Comment questions already present in your system. When choosing an already present question, any answers given to this question will be reported under the question you chose, even if you change the translation to something else. We highly recommend not changing the meaning of a question when using questions already present in the system.
  • Limit: 150 per Survey.

Pro-tip: We recommend limiting the use of Additional Comments or even avoiding them altogether. Short surveys yield better results and a single Additional Comment question can provide valuable feedback without overwhelming your respondents.


The Checkbox widget allows you to ask any additional multi-choice question where multiple answers can be given. This question is best used to ask the reason for giving a CES or CSAT score, and can be reported on using the Choice Questions Reporting.

  • When adding this widget, you'll be able to choose Checkbox questions already present in your system. When choosing an already present question, any answers given to this question will be reported under the question you chose, even if you change the translation to something else. We highly recommend not changing the meaning of a question when using questions already present in the system.
  • The question's options are managed in the Questions tab, and applies to all surveys using that question and language combinations.
  • Limit: 150 per Survey.

Pro-tip: We recommend limiting the use of Checkbox questions or even avoiding them altogether. Short surveys yield better results without overwhelming your respondents.


The Radio widget allows you to ask an additional multi-choice question where a single answer can be given. This question is best used when you have a few possible answers, and can be reported on using the Choice Questions Reporting.

  • When adding this widget, you'll be able to choose Radio questions already present in your system. When choosing an already present question, any answers given to this question will be reported under the question you chose, even if you change the translation to something else. We highly recommend not changing the meaning of a question when using questions already present in the system.
  • The question's options are managed in the Questions tab, and applies to all surveys using that question and language combinations.
  • Limit: 150 per Survey.

Pro-tip: We recommend limiting the use of Checkbox questions or even avoiding them altogether. Short surveys yield better results without overwhelming your respondents.

Select box

The Select box widget allows you to ask an additional multi-choice question where a single answer can be given. This question is best used when you have a lot of possible answers, and can be reported on using the Choice Questions Reporting.

  • When adding this widget, you'll be able to choose Select box questions already present in your system. When choosing an already present question, any answers given to this question will be reported under the question you chose, even if you change the translation to something else. We highly recommend not changing the meaning of a question when using questions already present in the system.
  • The question's options are managed in the Questions tab, and applies to all surveys using that question and language combinations.
  • Limit: 150 per Survey.

Pro-tip: We recommend limiting the use of Checkbox questions or even avoiding them altogether. Short surveys yield better results without overwhelming your respondents.

Custom Text

The Custom Text widget allows you to add text, such as a welcome message, to your survey.

  • Limit: 150 per Survey.

Questions created in Survey Builder

Please note: If you have any questions that you've created in the Survey Builder that you'd like to re-use in Survey Suite surveys, please reach out to our Support Team to make those available to you. We recommend doing this only when these questions are no longer to be used in the Survey Builder.

Questions of the following types can be made available to be re-used in the Survey Suite:

  • CES
  • CSAT
  • Rating
  • Additional Comment
  • Single Line Text
  • Checkbox
  • Radio
  • Select Box

The following questions can not be made available:

  • Questions that have been linked to a Segment

Widget Settings

Display Conditions

Display Conditions allow you to configure a widget to be displayed, based on one of 3 possible criteria.

  1. Always Display: the widget has no special conditions under which it gets displayed, so it will always be displayed.

  2. NPS Loyalty: the widget will be displayed if the selected NPS Score of the respondent resolves into one of the selected NPS Loyalty buckets.
    • When configuring, a minimum of 1 Loyalty type needs to be selected in the Display Conditions.
    • When answering the survey, if no NPS score is selected yet, the widget will only get displayed once a score is selected.
    • If no NPS widget is present in the survey, the NPS Loyalty Display Condition gets ignored, and the widget is always displayed, similar to the "Always Display" condition.
    • This setting is available on the following widgets:
      • Follow-up
      • Matrix Group
      • Additional Comment
      • Custom Text
  3. Question: the widget will be displayed if the selected question is answered with specific answers.
    • Questions that are not answered, and are used as a condition, will cause the widget not to be displayed until an answer is given.
    • If multiple answers are configured as Display Condition only one of the answers needs to be selected to display the widget.
    • The widget with the display condition can be on a different survey page than the question used in the configuration.
    • The mandatory setting is not active while the widget is not being displayed due to Display Conditions. If the widget is being displayed, the question needs to be answered.
    • Questions that do not get displayed will not get listed on the Survey Record Page, and any answers given while a question is displayed, but then does not get displayed anymore, do not get stored.
    • The following question types can be used as a condition:
      • Matrix Group
      • CES
      • CSAT
      • Rating
      • Checkbox
      • Radio
      • Select box
    • The following widget types can be configured with Question-based Display Conditions:
      • Follow-up
      • Matrix Group
      • CES
      • CSAT
      • Rating
      • Single Line Text
      • Additional Comments
      • Checkbox
      • Radio
      • Select box
      • Custom Text
  4. Based on Data: the widget will be displayed if the survey record's data matches the criteria. You can choose a field, "is" or "is not" condition, and one or more values that the survey record's data needs to match in order to show the widget. This setting is available for Campaign Surveys.
    This setting is available on the following widgets:
    • CES
    • CSAT
    • Rating
    • Single Line Text
    • Additional Comments
    • Checkbox
    • Radio
    • Select box
    • Custom Text
  5. Based on Parameters: the widget will be displayed if the value in the parameters matches the criteria. You can choose any of the parameters, "is" or "is not" condition, and one or more values that the parameter data needs to match in order to show the widget. This setting is available for Direct Link and Pop-Up Surveys.
    This setting is available on the following widgets:
    • CES
    • CSAT
    • Rating
    • Single Line Text
    • Additional Comments
    • Checkbox
    • Radio
    • Select box
    • Custom Text 

Mandatory question

The Mandatory question setting allows you to configure whether an answer needs to be provided by the respondent in order to proceed to the next page of the survey.

This setting is available on the following widgets:

  • NPS Drivers
  • NPS Comment
  • Follow-up
  • CES
  • CSAT
  • Rating
  • Single Line Text
  • Additional Comment

Pro-tip: We recommend using this setting sparingly, if at all. Use of this setting can significantly reduce your response rate.

Visual style

The Visual style setting allows you to choose a different style to your question. Available options are Numbers (the standard scale), Stars, and Smileys.

Important to note: The colors of these options are controlled through the Branding associated with the survey. The default branding color for unselected options is white. If you do not change the Unselected option color in your branding, you will end up with white stars/smileys on a white background. We recommend changing the Unselected option color to a light grey.

This setting is available on the following widget:

  • NPS

Pro-tip: We recommend using Stars or Smileys when surveying cultures where a 0-10 scale is not very common.

Details tab


The Branding section allows you to choose another one of the Brandings from your system to apply on your Survey. You can use a Branding that you've created, or those that have been created by other users in your system . Only System Administrators and the Owner of a Branding will be able to make changes to a Branding - keep that in mind if you choose to use a Branding that you are not the Owner of.


In the Language section you can add or remove languages from your Survey. A list of all supported languages in CustomerGauge Surveys can be found here. If you add a language, make sure to add Translations to your widgets. Removing a language from your survey will remove the Translations from the widgets as well (if you remove a language and add it again, the translations will be lost).


As the owner of a Survey, or a System Administrator, you're able to add Co-Owners to your Survey. Co-Owners can Edit and Delete Surveys, just like the owner or System Administrators can.

Only users of the Administrator role that share the same 'Division access restrictions' (or lower, in case of Hierarchy) can be added as Co-Owners.

Distribution tab

The Distribution tab is only available for Pop-up Surveys and Direct Link Surveys. Here, you can obtain the code snippet needed to embed the Pop-up Survey in your web application or website, or the URL of your DIrect Link Survey.

Preview Page

You can access the Preview Page button by clicking on the 'View' button after saving your survey. This will allow you to see what your survey looks like, and you can interact with the questions, without needing to trigger a survey send. You can toggle between Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile view to mimic the responsiveness of your Survey.

More about Survey Suite