Table of Contents

Managing Email Campaigns

       • Creating a Campaign

              • Custom schedule sending (order date)

              • Delete Template

       • Priority

       • Search

       • Unsubscribes

       • History of messages

             • Cancel Sending

Email Templates

       • Template Editor

               • Merge Tags in Template Body

               • Editor Tabs

               • Content Tools  

Importing for Email

       • Import Configuration

       • File Setup to Assign Template Language

The Email delivery vector allows you to collect customer feedback via Email Invitations. This functionality allows you to send primary invitations and reminder invitations.

Feature Notes:

  • Campaigns can only be modified by the Owner and System Admins.
  • Clicking on a campaign name opens a pop-up with all of the campaign's information.
  • Clicking on the pie chart under Stats opens the Data Transport Report for that specific campaign.

Managing Email Campaigns

Creating a Campaign

1. Navigate to Campaigns → Campaign Suite.

2. Click on "+New Campaign" button and then select Email delivery vector.

3. In the Settings step all fields are required, including Filters. Fill them in and choose a filter, then click Save and Next.

Campaign name: provide a name for your campaign.

Survey: choose the Survey to use in the campaign.

Filters: select any survey filter as a condition for the campaign. Any data uploaded matching the filters for the campaign will trigger that campaign.

4. In the Sending step, set up the Reminders and Sending Period

Note: Any changes made to a campaign is only applied to uploads made after saving the changes. Changing any setting will not affect previously uploaded records.

Pre-Invite Email: This setting enables the sending of an introductory email before a primary invitation is sent. The email template can be edited after enabling this setting and then navigating to the Pre-Invite step. 

  • Pre-invites are always sent immediately after the upload unless outside of the Sending Period, in that case it will be sent when the start time is reached.
  • Reporting stats for Pre-invites are coming soon

Primary Invitations: This setting is used to delay the sending of a primary invitation by 1 hour, 8 hours, 1 day, 3 days, 7 days or schedule a future date to send the primary invitation by selecting Order Date. 

  • When using the Pre-Invite feature it is highly recommended to also enable this setting as to not spam your contacts.
  • The sending starts within the sending period window, e.g. if your primary invitation is set to start immediately but it's outside your Sending Period, it will send immediately once it's in the Sending Period.
  • The Order Date option will schedule the sending of primary invitations at the specified date based on the Order Date field value of your import file and your system's time zone. Please make sure the order date value is in this format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (Example: 2024-12-05 17:00:00)

RemindersThe reminders are sent based on the sent date of the invitation. You are able to enable up to two reminders, please make sure the second reminder is set to a value higher than the first reminder.

Sending Period: You are able to set when the survey invitations will be sent, based on the system's timezone. The surveys will only be sent during the period between "Start at" and "Stop at". This setting also works overnight (e.g. 23:00 to 07:00).

Duplicate Prevention: You are able to prevent a contact from receiving the same survey invitation from the same campaign within a set number of days. Please make sure the number of days is higher than your Global Duplication Rule, otherwise it will have no effect.

5. In the Languages step, choose all the languages for this campaign and a Template Style to be your starting point. 

6. In the Primary step, you're able to build the primary invitation templates for each of the languages you have added to your campaign, and also Delete them.

Sender: choose the email that will be used to send the primary invitation and reminders.

Sender Name: the identification "from name" that the survey recipients will see.

Email Subject: provide your desired email subject, this field is limited to 100 characters and at most 2 merge tags. The merge tags can be added by clicking on Merge Tags { } button.

Delete: you are able to remove a template from any language by clicking on the button Delete. After removing a template, a new template for that language can be selected again in the Languages step.

7. After saving all your Primary templates you will be able to proceed by clicking on Next.

8. If you have enabled reminders, in the Reminders step, you're able to build the reminder templates for each of the languages you have added to your campaign.

Email Subject: provide your desired email subject, this field is limited to 100 characters and at most 2 merge tags. The merge tags can be added by clicking on Merge Tags { } button.

9. After saving all your Reminders templates you will be able to proceed by clicking on Next.

10. Activate the campaign if you'd like to enable it right away and click on Save and Close. A campaign needs to be active in order to be picked up by uploads made.


When uploading a file for Email campaigns it tries to find a matching campaign starting from the highest priority and going to the lowest.

The priorities can be checked by taking a look at the Priority column or the order in which the campaigns are shown. The campaign on the top has 1 as priority which is the highest.


Searching in automated campaigns is very straightforward, just type what you're looking for and any matches in Priority, Campaign Name, Type, Survey, Owner and Last Modified Date across all pages will be returned shortly.

The search will look for exact matches within the Campaign Name, see the example below:

Search input: Support

Returned results: Support Campaigns 1; PL-Support 01; Supporting Campaign.


Surveys are not sent for contacts that have been previously unsubscribed. When importing a file the system will check the Unsubscribes list and will not send any survey for these specific contacts.

If you wish to manage contacts in the unsubscribes list you can do so from the Unsubscribes & Bounces feature.


1. Navigate to Campaigns → Campaign Suite.

2. Click on History.

In the campaign history page you will have access to a list of all messages generated for the selected campaign from the last 90 days.

Search: You are able to search CGID, To and Due Date columns, the search will look for matching results across all pages.


CGID - Shows the CustomerGauge ID of the message, it can be clicked to be moved.

From - The sender used to send the survey invitations.

To - The contact in which the survey invitation should be sent to.

Status - The current message status.

Survey - Name of the survey assigned to the campaign when the message was generated.

Type - The type of invite that can be Pre-invite, Primary and Reminders.

Due Date - The expected date for the message to be

Cancel Sending

The campaign history page allows you to easily cancel the sending of Queued and Scheduled messages.

Simply locate the message you would like to cancel the sending for and under the actions button (3 dots) click on Cancel message.

Email Templates

Email templates are required in order to send email surveys, in the Languages step you may choose an Empty Template, the standard template provided by CustomerGauge or any template that has been created in the Template Style Gallery.

Empty Template

This is a blank slate where you will be able to build your own template from scratch.

By CustomerGauge

This is a standard template built utilizing best practices. If you are unsure on how to build a template, this is the perfect one to use as a guide and make the changes appropriate for your brand and survey.

Template Style Gallery

The Template Style Gallery is a System Admin feature that enables the creation of starting points for your templates. The system administrator can create multiple templates that can then be used as a base in any email campaign.

Template Editor

Our email editor gives you full control over the email design. It lets you customize every aspect of the email, from the layout to the content and images. You can use images, merge tags, and other elements to customize your email. You can also preview the email before sending.

This is a very straightforward editor that instantly shows you any changes you make and allows you to just drag elements from the panel on the right and drop them where you want them in the template.

Merge Tags in Template Body

Some built-in tools like Headings and Text provide a merge tag selector with all of our available merge tags. Alternatively you are able to manually add them to elements like the Button or hyperlink.

Merge TagDescriptionExample
{{event.survey_link}}Populates the Survey link
{{event.unsubscribe_link}}Populates the Unsubscribe link


Editor Tabs

In this tab you have access to multiple elements to build your template. A description of each element can be found on the next section.
In this tab you're able to choose different presets of columns to set up a layout for your template.
In this tab you're able to configure global settings for your template: Text Color; Background Color; Content Width; Content Alignment; Font Family; Font Weight; Preheader Text; and Links styling.
Font Family chosen in the body will affect all text in the template that has "Global Font" selected.
Preheader Text is the text after a subject line in an email.
In this tab you are able to search for Creative Commons Zero images from multiple sources.
In this tab you'll be able check issues with the design of your template.

Content Tools

It allows to add columns to your design in order to have a better design arrangement.
Settings: Background Color; Padding; Border; Content Background Color; Background Image. 
Add headings (from level 1-6) to the design.
Settings: Heading Type; Font Family; Font Weight; Font Size; Color; Text Align; Line Height; Padding.
Text is a built-in tool so you can add text to your designs.
Settings: Font Family; Font Weight; Font Size; Color; Text Align; Line Height; Padding. Additional styling can be done via the floating text options.
To make your emails attractive, you can add images. You may also crop or edit the image by clicking on Apply Effects.
Settings: Auto Width; Align; Alternate Text; Image Link; Padding.
Add any type of button in your email design. You must provide an URL or a merge tag that populates URLs in order for the button to behave properly.
Settings: Action Type; Text Color; Background Color; Auto Width; Font Family; Font Weight; Font Size; Alignment; Line Height; Padding; Border; Rounded Border.
It gives you appropriate spacing at any point you want in your design.
Settings: Width; Line; Align; Padding.
Adds the NPS scale to the template with scores ranging from 0 to 10.
Settings: Font Family; Padding; Low Score Text; High Score Text; Label Font Size; Scale Font Color; Border Radius; Scale Button Color.
Adds the 1-5 Scale to the template with scores ranging from 1 to 5.
Settings: Font Family; Padding; Low Score Text; High Score Text; Label Font Size; Scale Font Color; Border Radius; Scale Button Color.
Adds the 1-7 Scale to the template with scores ranging from 1 to 7.
Settings: Font Family; Padding; Low Score Text; High Score Text; Label Font Size; Scale Font Color; Border Radius; Scale Button Color.

1-10 SCALE
Adds the 1-10 Scale to the template with scores ranging from 1 to 10.
Settings: Font Family; Padding; Low Score Text; High Score Text; Label Font Size; Scale Font Color; Border Radius; Scale Button Color.

Importing for Email

Import Configuration

When creating your import configuration for Email in addition to all the fields you want, you will need to add the Delivery Vector field to it. The Delivery Vector field must be present in the upload file and have email (lowercase) as the value.

Alternatively, you may select the Delivery Vector field to be auto populated by a value when uploading, in your configuration  select the field and fill it with email (lowercase) as the value. This will make all records being uploaded using that configuration to have the Delivery Vector field with your chosen value added.

Example of a Delivery Vector field with an auto populated value:

File Setup to Assign Template Language

Important: Make sure your file does not contain the Language field.
The Locale field will conflict with the Language field and cause the importing to fail.

In order to assign the correct language template to a record, the Locale field is required in your Import Configuration and import file. To avoid any conflict, make sure your import configuration does not have the Language field present.

When adding the Locales, make sure they match the following format: the two-letter language code underscore the two-letter country code. For example: en_US; pt_BR; en_GB.
The locale field is not case sensitive, you may populate your file with values like en_us, PT_BR, En_Gb and they will all be valid.

For the full list of our supported locales, please visit the Locale Codes support page.