- Who can receive these alerts?
- What alerts to use
- Overview
- Searching Workflow Rules
- Managing Ownership
- Receiving alerts via other communication channels
Assist users across all personas stay to on top of their different account experience actions with CustomerGauge's smart alerts.
Workflow Rules allows admins to set up ruled based alerts to help users to stay on top their action or achieve their goals in CustomerGauge. All rules can be setup and managed from inside the CustomerGauge system.
Workflow Rules
Who can receive these alerts?
In order to receive these alerts the recipients must be users of the CustomerGauge system. (Non users will not receive the alerts and you can view this in the Workflow History section).
You may add one or multiple recipients for the alerts to be sent, in case the recipient is left empty no alerts will be sent.
What alerts to use
Receive alerts via Email:
Stage | Alert | Description | Ideal for | How to Setup? |
Delivery Stage | Bounce Alert | Receive an alert when a failure occurs when a feedback request email is not delivered due to bounce. A must have for account managers to stay on top their business contacts | Account Managers/Front-line | New Bounce |
Feedback Collection Stage | Lack of Response | Receive an alert when a key contact has not responded to your feedback request after X days. A must have for account managers. This flags an Absence of signal and let's account managers know they need to do a personal follow-up. | Account Managers/Front-line Team lead (No Response from a decision maker in a high value account) | Lack of Response |
Feedback Collection + Close the Loop Stage | New Survey Response/ Case Open Automatically | Receive an alert when a new survey response comes through. This alert can also be setup to open's a case automatically to the recipient. This will help keep on top of closing the loop on time. | Account Managers/Front-line Team Lead (High Value Detractor responses) | New Response |
Close the Loop Stage | Case not closed Reminder/KPI Approaching | Receive an alert when a KPI is approaching for case management targets. | Account Managers/Front-line Team Lead (When it appears that the KPI will not be met) | Case not Closed |
In each of the Rule Types a list of Workflow Rules is displayed. The following information can be gleaned from this list:
- Priority indicates the order by which Workflow Rules get executed, starting with number 1, working its way down the list.
- Status indicates whether a Rule is activated or not. Deactivated rules do not get executed.
- Name shows the name that was given to the Rule. We recommend following a naming convention to easily understand what each rule does.
- Creation date shows when the rule was originally set up.
- Events shows you how many times an event happened where the conditions of the rule was met. Please note: this number could go up if the rule fully contains recipients that have already received an alert for the same event/CG-ID.
- Actions allow you to interact with a Rule. You can Edit, Clone, or Delete Rules.
Searching Workflow Rules
The search function of Workflow Rules allow you to find rules across all pages. The system will look for a rule name that matches exactly what is written in the search box.
Search that results in multiple pages of rules can be navigated with the arrows on the bottom of the screen.
Managing Ownership
Admin users that create a Workflow Rule become the owner of that Workflow Rule. Being the owner of a Workflow Rule allows you to edit and delete that Workflow Rule. Alongside the owner, any System Administrator can undertake those same actions, in addition to changing the Priority of Workflow Rules.
System Administrators and the owner of a Workflow Rule can change the owner to a different admin through the Change Owner action in the action menu of a rule.
Receiving alerts via other communication channels:
You can receive all the above alerts for the different stages also in the following communication channels. Setup the channels so relevant teams are receiving the information.