
The WhatsApp delivery vector allows you to collect customer feedback via WhatsApp Invitations. This functionality allows you to send primary and reminder invitations.

Feature Notes:

  • Campaigns can only be modified by the Owner and System Admins.
  • Clicking on a campaign name opens a pop-up with all of the campaign's information.
  • Clicking on the pie chart under Stats opens the Data Transport Report for that specific campaign.

Managing WhatsApp Campaigns

Creating a Campaign

1. Navigate to Campaigns → Campaigns Suite.

2. Click on "+New Campaign" button and then choose WhatsApp delivery vector.

3. In the Settings step all fields are required, including Filters. fill them and choose a filter, then click Next.Campaign name: choose a name for your campaign.

Survey: choose the survey template for the campaign.

Filters: Select any survey filter as a condition for the campaign.

4. In the Sending step, set up the Reminders and Sending Period

Primary Invitations: This setting is used to delay the sending of a primary invitation by 1 hour, 8 hours, 1 day, 3 days, 7 days or schedule a future date to send the primary invitation by selecting Order Date.

  • The sending starts within the sending period window, e.g. if your primary invitation is set to start immediately but it's outside your Sending Period, it will send immediately once it's in the Sending Period.
  • The Order Date option will schedule the sending of primary invitations at the specified date based on the Order Date field value of your import file and your system's time zone. Please make sure the order date value is in this format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (Example: 2024-12-05 17:00:00)

RemindersThe reminders are sent based on the sent date of the primary survey. You are able to enable up to two reminders and the second reminder must be set to a value higher than the first reminder.

Sending Period: You are able to set when the survey invitations will be sent, based on UTC time. The surveys will only be sent during the period between "Start at" and "Stop at".

Duplicate Prevention: You are able to prevent a contact from receiving the same survey invitation from the same campaign within a set number of days. Please make sure the number of days is higher than your Global Duplication Rule, otherwise it will have no effect.

5. In the Languages step, choose all the languages for this campaign.

6. In the Templates step, choose a Sender Phone Number for each language and write their templates. You are able to add merge tags by clicking on Merge Tags { } button.

  • Templates must not end with merge tags 
  • Templates cannot have merge tags next to each other
  • Facebook enforces Guidelines for Message Templates; these guidelines can change over time.
  • Additional Facebook Message Guidelines mention a character limit of 1024 characters, though we recommend keeping your CustomerGauge survey templates much shorter than that for an optimal user experience and response rate. 
  • After saving a template, the template's language cannot be removed from the campaign.

7. Save all your templates and double-check them, they will not be able to be edited once they have been approved. If everything is okay, click on Submit for Approval and Next.

  • After submitting templates for approval you will only be able to make changes to the rejected templates.
  • Once a template has been approved it cannot be changed.

8. Activate the campaign if you'd like to enable it right away and click on Save and Close.

Editing a Campaign

You may edit a campaign to check a template's approval status or make changes to the campaign.

Checking Template Status

  1. Navigate to Campaigns → WhatsApp Campaigns.

  2. Find the campaign you would like to check the Template Status for and click on under the Actions column.

  3. Navigate to the Templates step and click on Check Status button.
  4. The status is then going to be updated, if its still pending it means that it hasn't been approved or rejected yet.

Editing Campaign

  1. Navigate to Campaigns → WhatsApp Campaigns.

  2. Find the campaign you would like to edit and click on under the Actions column.

  3. In the Settings step you are able to edit the following fields: Campaign Name and Survey.

  4. In the Sending step you are able to edit Reminders and Sending Period.

  5. In the Languages step you are able to add more languages to your campaign but cannot remove languages that already have templates saved.

  6. In the Templates step you are able to edit your drafted templates and write templates for new languages.

  7. In the Approval step you can send the templates for approval clicking on Submit for Approval and Close.
After submitting templates for approval they cannot be changed.

Formatting Templates

WhatsApp has a few simple formatting options:

Basic Formatting

Bold: Make your text bold by placing an asterisk on both sides of the text:
Example: *Lorem ipsum*

Result: Lorem ipsum

Italic: Make your text italic by placing an underscore on both sides of the text:
Example: _Lorem ipsum_

Result: Lorem ipsum

Strikethrough: Strikethrough your text by placing a tilde on both sides of the text:
Example: ~Lorem ipsum~

Result: Lorem ipsum


Emojis are allowed in the message content, but there may be certain emojis that aren't supported by Whatsapp or that may not render on all devices. It's always best to test out any message content, including emojis, prior to launching a Whatsapp Campaign. 

"Read more" Button

Facebook/Meta/Whatsapp has their own processes for controlling how much text or how many characters get shown before the "Read More" button in a message template. CustomerGauge does not have control over this. We recommend testing your template out to validate the behavior, while keeping in mind that behavior could vary across different devices and platforms and/or if Facebook/Meta/Whatsapp enact any policy changes. Again, we recommend keeping your CustomerGauge survey templates as short as possible for an optimal user experience and response rate.

Template Status

The process of template approval is done by Facebook and can take up to 24 hours during business days. You are able to visually interpret a template's status by checking the color of the circle on the left side in the Templates step while creating/editing. 

Drafted template.
Template is in the process of approval.
Template has been approved.
Template has been rejected.

Checking Template Status:

  1. Navigate to Campaigns → WhatsApp Campaigns.

  2. Find the campaign you would like to check the Template Status for and click on under the Actions column.

  3. Navigate to the Templates step and click on Check Status button.
  4. The status is then going to be updated, if its still pending it means that it hasn't been approved or rejected yet.


When uploading a file for WhatsApp campaigns it tries to find a matching campaign starting from the highest priority and going to the lowest.

The priorities can be checked by taking a look at the Priority column or the order in which the campaigns are shown. The campaign on the top has 1 as priority which is the highest.


A campaign's history of messages can be accessed navigating to Campaigns → Campaign Suite and clicking on History inside the actions button (3 dots)

In the campaign history page you will have access to a list of all messages generated for the selected campaign from the last 90 days.

Search: You are able to search CGID, To and Due Date columns, the search will look for matching results across all pages.


CGID - Shows the CustomerGauge ID of the message, it can be clicked to be moved.

From - The sender used to send the survey invitations.

To - The contact in which the survey invitation should be sent to.

Status - The current message status.

Survey - Name of the survey assigned to the campaign when the message was generated.

Due Date - The expected date for the message to be

Cancel Sending

The campaign history page allows you to easily cancel the sending of Queued and Scheduled messages.

Simply locate the message you would like to cancel the sending for and under the actions button (3 dots) click on Cancel message.

Importing for WhatsApp

Import Configuration

When creating your import configuration for WhatsApp in addition to all the fields you want you will need to add the Delivery Vector field to it. The Delivery Vector field must be present in the upload file and have the whatsapp (lowercase) as the value.

Alternatively, you may select the Delivery Vector field to be auto populated by a value when uploading, in your configuration  select the field and fill it with whatsapp (lowercase) as the value. This will make all records being uploaded using that configuration to have the Delivery Vector field with your chosen value added.

Example of a Delivery Vector field with an auto populated value:

Phone Number Format

The format for the phone number should follow these requirements:

  • Starts with the country code of the destination country for the phone number
    • e.g. 1 for U.S., 31 for Netherlands, etc.
  • Does not start with the international access codes such as +, 00 or 001.
  • Does not include special characters, such as a space ( ), comma (,), dash (-), or parentheses. 
  • Example: A phone number such as +1-(555)-555-1234 should be sent to CustomerGauge in the following format: 15555551234

File Setup to Assign Template Language

Important: Make sure your file does not contain the Language field.
The Locale field will conflict with the Language field and cause the importing to fail.

In order to assign the correct language template to a record, the Locale field is required in your Import Configuration and import file. To avoid any conflict, make sure your import configuration does not have the Language field present.

When adding the Locales, make sure they match the following format: the two-letter language code underscore the two-letter country code. For example: en_US; pt_BR; en_GB.
The locale field is not case sensitive, you may populate your file with values like en_us, PT_BR, En_Gb and they will all be valid.

For the full list of our supported locales, please visit the Locale Codes support page.