The Close the Loop Rate widget shows your Closed cases % and Followed-Up cases % on a different visualization. Great to add on Dashboards for a quick view.

Widget notes:

  • This widget has global data access restriction option
  • This widget is able to filter by drivers

Adding the Widget

Add the widget to your report clicking on New Widget and navigating to Widget Type or searching for Widget Name


  • Option to see the rate for Closed cases and Followed Up cases.
  • Filter by loyalty to have all these metrics by separate loyalties.

Additional Settings:

Closed cases: This metric shows the percentage of all cases that are Closed vs the total amount of cases.

Followed-Up cases: This metric shows the percentage of all cases that are In Progress or Closed vs the total amount of cases.

NPS Loyalty: This setting allows you to filter on specific NPS loyalties. Surveys responses without the NPS score are currently not captured by this filter