The Close the Loop Table widget helps you check your Close the Loop metrics overtime and compare against your relevant segments. Allowing you to check if there was an improvement on the Close the Loop actions overtime or how your branches or countries are performing against each other.

Widget notes:

  • This widget has global data access restriction option
  • This widget is able to filter by drivers

Adding the Widget

Add the widget to your report clicking on New Widget and navigating to Widget Type or searching for Widget Name


  • Drill down to deep dive on your cases.
  • Filter by loyalty to have all these metrics by separate loyalties.
  • KPI filters on the additional settings, so you can now have one widget per loyalty and with different KPIs.

Group by Setting:

Date: This setting allows you to choose which period type you group your data by.

Available choices are Day, Week, Month, Quarter or Year.

Segment: This setting allows you to choose which of your segment fields to use to group your data by. The fields available depend on your system set up.

Additional Setting:

KPI: Cases followed-up: This setting allows you to configure within how many hours someone has to have followed up on a case since the survey was completed (responded). 

KPI: Cases closed: This setting allows you to configure within how many hours someone has to have closed a case since the survey was completed (responded).

NPS Loyalty: This setting allows you to filter on specific NPS loyalties. Surveys responses without the NPS score are currently not captured by this filter

For more information on KPI calculation, please read this article.