When you add a new email template or wish to edit an existing template from the Delivery Manager, you will be redirected to the Email Editor. This is where you can select a base template, edit the text and branding, and configure details like sender name and subject line. The flow is slightly different depending on whether you are creating/editing an Automated campaign or a Manual campaign (Anonymous campaigns contain only a survey, no email invitation).

The SMS Editor will be visible as part of the Template Editor for any campaign which has SMS activated. If SMS is not activated, the editor won't appear.

Please note that templates may be used for multiple campaigns! If you edit a particular template (email or SMS) it will be adjusted for all campaigns using that template.

Automated Campaigns

Automated campaigns are automatically triggered when you upload matching data into CustomerGauge. They typically include a survey invitation email and a reminder email. (Introductory emails, 'thank you'-emails and any other general campaigns should be sent from the Manual campaigns tab - see below for more details.)

From the Delivery Manager, either add a new email template by clicking the plus sign, or click the edit sign to adjust an existing template:

The first step of the Email Editor flow, Template info, allows you to choose a name for the template - but only if it's a new template. Existing template names can't be edited to avoid any issues when you use the same template for multiple campaigns.

Next, the Template options step allows you to choose which languages you would like to use in the template and - if it's a new template - which style you wish to use as a base.

You now have the basic structure of your email campaign - make sure to save your changes regularly from this point onwards! For automated survey invitation campaigns, you will typically have both a primary email and a reminder email. The text and layout of the templates can be edited in the next two steps of the process. You should make sure you are working on the correct language version of the template, and don't forget to include a 'from' name and an email subject!

Please note: the optimal width for a banner at the top of the email is 550p. The height can vary a bit, but we recommend about 100p, and no more than 150p.

Once you are happy with the template, you can send yourself a test email - please note though, merge tags and URLs will not be functional in this test email.

When you send an email there are several options that can be configured.

1) From Email Address

This is the email address that appears in the sender field of your email inbox. It is this address that emails are sent to when you hit reply.

In a CustomerGauge configuration this is typically set to be [email protected] or [email protected] (depending on whether you are on a localised server). When a customer replies directly to one of your survey invitation emails, this direct reply is routed back into your tool. Read more about where to find direct replies here. Generally speaking, we recommend against using a 'no reply' email address, as we don't think this is very customer friendly!

2) From Name

The From Name can be completely different to the From Email Address. This is the name that appears in the sender field of the email. Typically it will look like this: John Smith <[email protected]>.

The From Name is the “John Smith” part and the From Email Address is the “[email protected]” part. The From Name can be a company name, but it often works better to use the name of an individual: the same person who signs the invitation email.

The last page of the Email Editor displays a brief summary of the email campaign and will allow you to save and return to the Delivery Manager.

Please note: are you using the same email template for multiple campaigns? If so, you should keep in mind that any edits you make to the template will be applied to all campaigns!

Manual Campaigns

Manual campaigns are one-off campaigns which are manually triggered for sending. The process for setting up and editing an email template for a manual campaign is for the most part identical to the flow for automated campaigns (see above). The crucial difference is that the manual campaign flow allows you to select the type of campaign you wish to send: Introduction, Invitation, Reminder, or General.

Introduction: You can use this option to inform your customers ahead of time that you will be contacting them about a survey. This small communication effort will help to increase your response rate and is especially appropriate for businesses that do not routinely communicate via email.

Invitation: Use this template to send an initial invitation email with a Net Promoter® (NPS) survey link to your customers.

Reminder: Use this template to send a reminder email to customers who didn't respond to your initial survey invitation ('Non-Responses' selected from your list of previous survey recipients). We recommend always sending a reminder, typically 7 days after the invitation. Sending further reminders is not recommended - it won't increase your response rate much but it will annoy your customers!

General: Use this general template to send any communication to your customers that doesn't fall under the other categories. For example a 'Thank you'-email, an email to let your customers know what you are planning to do with their feedback, or a marketing campaign targeted at specific NPS segments (for example to all 10 scores or 0 scores).