
This article provides up-to-date information on features that are planned for retirement as we continuously improve our services. Below, you'll find a list of features that will be retired soon, along with key dates and details to help you prepare. We regularly update this page to keep you informed about changes that may affect your experience. If you have any questions or need assistance, our support team is always here to help.

Retirement Statuses

  • Maintenance: This feature has limited support, but we will look into critical bug reports.
  • Deprecated: This feature is no longer offered to get new usage. Existing usage can continue. No support is offered, and bugs may not get looked into.
  • Retired: This feature is no longer functional, nor supported. Users should have moved to an alternative (if applicable).

List of Features

Campaigns & Surveys

Feature NameCurrent StatusDeprecation DateRetirement DateReplaced By
Delivery ManagerMaintenance01 Oct 202431 Dec 2024Campaign Suite
Anonymous SurveysDeprecated01 Jul 202431 Dec 2024Direct Link Surveys
Survey BuilderDeprecated01 Jul 202431 Dec 2024Survey Suite

Import & Exports

Feature NameCurrent StatusDeprecation DateRetirement DateReplaced By
In-App Import 4.0Deprecated01 Jul 202430 Sep 2024Imports

Revenue Upload 4.0

Deprecated01 Jul 202431 Dec 2024Revenue 5.0
SFTPDeprecated01 Jul 202431 Dec 2024PUT Records (Multi-Object)

Reporting & Presentation

Feature NameCurrent StatusDeprecation DateRetirement DateReplaced By
Monetize 4.0Deprecated01 Aug 202431 Dec 2024Monetize 5.0
Digital SignageDeprecated01 Jul 202431 Dec 2024N/A


Feature NameCurrent StatusDeprecation DateRetirement DateReplaced By
Salesforce Native Integration 4.0Deprecated01 Jul 202431 Dec 2024Salesforce Integration 5.0
SugarCRM IntegrationRetired
31 Mar 2023
Salesforce CE Integration 4.0Retired
31 Mar 2023
HubSpot IntegrationRetired
31 Mar 2023
CG Zapier AppRetired
30 Jun 2023Incoming Webhooks

Outgoing Webhooks

Integrations & APIs

Feature NameStatusDeprecation Date
Retirement Date
Replaced By
GET File/RevenueDeprecated
30 Nov 2023
GET File/ContactRetired
30 Nov 2023
POST File/RevenueDeprecated
31 Dec 2024
Revenue 5.0

PUT Record (Revenue)
POST FIle/ContactRetired
31 Dec 2024
PUT Record (Contact)
POST Stream/ContactRetired
31 Dec 2024
PUT Record (Contact)
POST Stream/Transactional

31 Dec 2024
PUT Records (Multi-Object)
DELETE FileRetired
31 Dec 2024
Data Administration: Manage Survey Records
PUT Transactions/Mailqueue

PUT Records (Multi-Object)
PUT Transactions/Non-ResponseDeprecated
31 Dec 2024
You can now edit filterable fields from the Survey Overview on the Survey Record Page for Single record or Manage Survey Records for bulk updates
PUT Transactions/ResponseDeprecated
31 Dec 2024
You can now edit filterable fields from the Survey Overview on the Survey Record Page for Single record or Manage Survey Records for bulk updates
PUT Transactions/GeneralRetired
31 Dec 2024
You can now edit filterable fields from the Survey Overview on the Survey Record Page for Single record or Manage Survey Records for bulk updates
DELETE Transactions/ResponseRetired
31 Jan 2023
Single Record Delete

Bulk Delete
DELETE Transactions/Non-ResponseRetired
31 Jan 2023
Single Record Delete

Bulk Delete
DELETE Transactions/MailqueueRetired
31 Jan 2023

DELETE Transactions/GeneralRetired
30 Nov 2023
Single Record Delete

Bulk Delete
GET Transactions/ResponseRetired
30 Nov 2023
GET Responses
GET Transactions/Non-ResponseRetired
30 Nov 2023
GET Non-Responses
GET Transactions/MailqueueRetired
30 Nov 2023
GET Transactions/GeneralRetired
30 Nov 2023
GET ReasonsRetired
30 Nov 2023
GET Responses now returns the drivers in a digestible manner
GET ReportRetired
30 Nov 2023
Report Dispatch
GET WorkflowRetired
30 Nov 2023
GET Close the Loop

Outgoing Webhooks

System Administration

Feature NameCurrent StatusDeprecation DateRetirement DateReplaced By
Delete FileDeprecated01 Jan 202430 Sep 2024Manage Survey Records
Escalation RulesRetired
30 Mar 2024Workflow Rules