This section gives you an overview of all the settings available in the Settings Tab of a Report in edit mode. 

General settings

  1. Report name: This setting allows you to name your report. 

  2. Report description: Use this option to describe the report in the description section. The description can be read, and searched on in the Report Hub overview. You can edit the description at any time while in edit mode.

  3. Show applied filters info: Here you can choose whether you want your filters selected to show on the top of the report (ideal to be used if you are using general filters for all the widgets in your report). It only shows on the view mode.

Date settings

Date settings allow you to control which date range is applied on each widget in your report by default.

  1. Date type: You can choose which date type you’d like to use for your report’s date range; Order Date, E-mail Sent Date, or Survey Completed Date (they may be called differently in your system). Note that some of these types have different effects on the data. For example, Survey Completed Date will always result in a response rate of 100%, as non-respondents don’t have a Survey Completion Date.

  2. Date range

    • Rolling Period allows you to configure your date range to cover the last X days.
    • Previous Period allows you to configure your date range to cover the start of the previous period, to the end of that period. For example, if it’s the 16th of August today, Previous Period “Month” would result in a date range of 1st of July to 31st of July. When the next month hits, your date range is automatically changed to cover all of August. We highly recommend using this date range in your periodic reports.
    • Current Period allows you to configure your date range to cover the start of the current period, to the end of that period. For example, if it’s the 16th of August today, Current Period “Month” would result in a date range that covers all of August
  3. Use in on-the-fly filters: This on/off setting allows you to choose if you want viewers to be able to change the filters on the fly while viewing the report. The settings changed by the user on-the-fly does not change/save the report settings. They can use this in the view mode of your Report -> Filter option.

  4. To set the same date across all widgets:  if you want to use one setting for all widgets, click edit and select the date range in the settings. Then in specific widgets choose "Use general settings", so it will use the settings made at the report level.

Filter settings

  1. Filter Setting: You can add multiple segment filters to your report – simply press the Add Filter button. You can then choose which field and which values of that field you want to filter on. When you filter, records must meet all of the criteria you’ve configured, or they won’t be used in calculations.
  2. Use in on-the-fly filters: This on/off setting allows you to choose if you want viewers to be able to change the filters on the fly while viewing the report. The settings changed by the user on-the-fly does not change/save the report settings. They can use this in the view mode of your Report -> Filter option.

Grouping settings

  1. Group dates by: Some widgets report data over time – using the Group dates by you can ensure that all your applicable widgets are grouped by the same period type. This makes it easy to switch between seeing data by month or week (or any of the other options)!
    • Use in on-the-fly filters: You can enable the “Group dates by” setting to be used by your Viewers. They can then easily switch between the different period types. However, sometimes you don’t want to allow them to be able to do so, or the setting simply isn’t applicable.
  2. Group segments by: Some widgets report data over different segment values – using the Group segments by you can ensure that all your applicable widgets are grouped by the same segment. This makes it easy to switch between seeing data grouped by one segment or another!
    • Use in on-the-fly filters: You can enable the “Group segments by” setting to be used by your Viewers. They can then easily switch between the different segments. However, sometimes you don’t want to allow them to be able to do so, or the setting simply isn’t applicable.

Related Articles:

Creating a Report  - Designer Tab

Creating a Report - Sharing Tab