The NPS Map widget provides a visualization of the NPS score distributed over a map, this powerful view can help highlight regional trends and hotspots.

This widget view shows all the key metrics you would need while hovering a country, and it has the ability to drill down on countries to access the full list of responses.

  • For this widget to properly work it is required that values populated in the Country field follows the ISO 3166-2 format.

Widget notes:

  • This widget has the global data access restriction option
  • All Percentages show 1 decimal and will sum to 100%
  • The number of Passives will not include "No scores"
  • The drill down will allow exporting of the complete data

Metrics available while hovering: 

  • NPS

  • # Delivered

  • #Promoters (Promoters %)

  • #Detractors (Detractors %)

  • #Passives (Passives %)

  • # Responses (Responses %)

  • #Non Responses (Non-Responses %)

Adding the Widget

Add the widget to your report by clicking on New Widget and navigating to the NPS bucket or searching for NPS Map.

Additional Settings:

Map Type: This setting specifies which map will be displayed in the widget view. You can choose between the following options: World Map, Globe, Europe, Africa, Asia, North America, Central America, South America, and Oceania.



Metrics calculations:

  • Delivered: Number of invitations successfully delivered to customers.
  • Responses: Number of surveys answered. The rate is calculated dividing the # of Responses by # of Delivered. The Response Rate includes all responses even No Scores.
  • Non-Responses: Number of surveys not answered. The rate is calculated dividing the # of Non-Responses by # of Delivered. The Response Rate includes all responses even No Scores.
  • Promoters: Number of respondents that selected scores 9 to 10. The rate is calculated by dividing the # of Promoters by # of Responses.
  • Passives: Number of respondents that selected scores 7 to 8. The rate is calculated by dividing the # of Passives by # of Responses.
  • Detractors: Number of respondents that selected scores 0 to 6. The rate is calculated by dividing the # of Detractors by # of Responses.