This powerful widget enables you to effortlessly track the yearly evolution of NPS and Value side-by-side. Gain valuable insights into the relationship between NPS and account value growth, empowering you to drive success.

Widget notes: 

  • The NPS line calculates NPS based on all accounts, even if an account does not have revenue.
  • The NPS calculation used in this widget does not contain responses without an NPS Score.
  • The Value line calculates Value based on accounts with revenue that have been successfully surveyed at least one time.
  • The year periods are based on the Date settings provided grouped by year.
  • You are able to drilldown on the Value line and see the list of all accounts with their revenue. You are also able to export the whole list by clicking on the download icon on the top right corner of the drilldown.
  • This widget has the global data access restriction option.

Adding the Widget

Add the widget to your report by clicking on +New Widget and navigating to Monetized 5.0 or searching for NPS Value Trend.

Date Settings

Date type: Select the type of date the widget will be based on.
Possible values: Order date, Sent date and Survey completed date.

Date range: Select Static Period in order to be able to select a large range of years.

Date period: Select the range of years you'd like to report on.
Note: This widget groups date by years, so if you do not select a whole year, the widget will still report based on the entire year's data.