Table of Contents

Connected Apps

       • Create Generic App with OAuth 2.0 Authentication

       • Create Salesforce App

       • Create Dynamics CRM App

Connected Apps

This feature allows you to create and manage connections to external systems via OAuth 2.0 authentication and system-specific setup.


  • You cannot delete Connected Apps already in use in any Outgoing Webhook setup.

Create Generic App with OAuth 2.0 Authentication

1. Navigate to Data → Integrations → Connected Apps.

2. Click on +New App and select Generic then click on Proceed.

3. In the Settings screen, fill in all appropriate information:

App name (required): Fill in a descriptive name for your app.

Access token URL (required): Fill in the URL that provides access tokens in the external system.

Client ID (required): Fill in the client identifier in the external system.

Client secret (required): Fill in the secret/password for authentication in the external system.

Scope (optional): Fill in the scope of the access.

4. After checking all the information, click on Save.

Create Salesforce App

1. Navigate to Data → Integrations → Connected Apps.

2. Click on +New App and select Salesforce then click on Proceed.

3. In the Settings screen, fill in all appropriate information:

App name (required): Fill in a descriptive name for your app.

Salesforce domain (required): Fill in your Salesforce system domain. You can find it in the Salesforce URL after https:// and before

4. After checking all the information, click on Authorize.

5. A page requiring you to log-in to Salesforce will open.

6. After logging in you will be asked to authorize the CustomerGauge access, click on Allow.

7. After allowing, click on Save.

Create Dynamics CRM App

1. Navigate to Data → Integrations → Connected Apps.

2. Click on +New App and select Generic then click on Proceed.

3. In the Settings screen, fill in all appropriate information:

App name (required): Fill in a descriptive name for your app.

Directory ID (required): Fill in the tenant identifier of your Dynamics CRM.

Client ID (required): Fill in the client identifier in Dynamics CRM.

Client secret (required): Fill in the secret/password for authentication in Dynamics CRM.

Dynamics domain (optional): Fill in the domain of your Dynamics CRM.

4. After checking all the information, click on Save.