You can create Branding that you can apply to your Campaign or Pop-up Surveys. Branding consists of background and header images, font styles, and color combinations. You can create a Branding to share across all surveys, or create as many Brandings as you like.

How to manage Branding?

You can find Brandings by navigating to Campaigns → Surveys, and then clicking the Brandings button on the top-right corner of the screen. From here you can either Edit an existing Branding, or create a New Branding.


Background Image

The Background Image is displayed behind the survey, and takes the size of the image. If the image is smaller than the screen that the Survey is being displayed on, the Background Color will be displayed where the image is not. You can also choose not to have a Background Image by clicking the trash can icon.

Background Color

The Background Color gets displayed if no Background Image is used, or the Background Image is smaller than the screen the survey is displayed on.

Header Image / Logo

The Header Image is displayed at the top of the survey, and gets scaled to the full width of the survey. We therefore recommend to have a minimum width of 576 pixels, which is the full width of the survey. If cellular data is of concern, we also recommend compressing the image using an image editor, before uploading.



The font setting allows you to choose which font family your survey will be displayed in. This controls all the texts in the survey. Please note that not all of the fonts are websafe, and may need to have been installed on respondent's device to be displayed correctly. The survey falls back to the browser/operating system's default fonts if the selected font is not available for the respondent.

Websafe fonts are:

  • Arial (sans-serif)
  • Courier New (monospace)
  • Georgia (serif)
  • Tahoma (sans-serif)
  • Times New Roman (serif)
  • Trebuchet MS (sans-serif)
  • Verdana (sans-serif)

Header Text, Size, Color

This row allows you to style questions in your survey by selecting the weight, font size, and desired color.

Secondary Text, Size, Color

This row allows you to style answers in your survey by selecting the weight, font size, and desired color.

Selected options

Selected option color

This setting allows you to configure which background color selected elements (such as choice answers, and checkboxes) should have.

Selected option text color

This setting allows you to configure which text color selected elements should have. Checkboxes are unaffected by this setting.

Unselected option color

This setting allows you to configure which background color unselected elements (such as scale questions, choice answers, and checkboxes) should have.

Unselected option text color

This setting allows you to configure which text color unselected elements should have. Checkboxes are unaffected by this setting.


Button Style

The button style setting controls all buttons on the survey. You can choose to have rounded corners, or square corners.

Button Text Style

The button text style setting controls all buttons on the survey. You can choose to have bold, normal, or light weights.

Font Size

The font size setting controls all buttons on the survey, and represents the pixel font size that the texts in button should be.

Next Button Color

The Next Button Color setting controls the background color of all Next buttons in the survey.

Next Button Text Color

The Next Button Text Color setting controls the text color of all Next buttons in the survey.

Back Button Color

The Back Button Color setting controls the background color of all Back buttons in the survey.

Back Button Text Color

The Back Button Text Color setting controls the text color of all Back buttons in the survey.

Managing Permissions

As the owner of a Branding, or a System Administrator, you're able to add Co-Owners to your Branding. Co-Owners can Edit and Delete Brandings, just like the owner or System Administrators can.

Only users of the Administrator role that share the same 'Division access restrictions' (or lower, in case of Hierarchy) can be added as Co-Owners.

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