You can set up a simple, easy integration between CustomerGauge and Slack. The two options are

  1. Trigger Alerts on Survey Response Integration
  2. Periodic Report Integration

1) Trigger Alerts on Survey Response Integration:

Workflow Alerts are alerts that can be sent to the email address of any user of the CustomerGauge system, notifying the people in your organization of things like a new detractor score in a survey response or a request for follow up. Slack has a feature that allows an email address to be created for a channel. By following these easy steps, you can start sending these email alerts to a Slack Channel within your organization, so everyone can stay on top of workflow and close loop activities!

a) Add the email integration to the desired Slack Channel:

Steps in order to receive Workflow Alerts and Report Dispatch emails through a Slack channel.

  1. Log into your app directory on the Slack website by clicking on Customize Slack

  2. Select the Configure Apps in the Menu drop-down
  3. Search the Apps Menu for Email App
  4. Choose a channel to post the emails to and click "Add Email Integration"
    • All the channels for your group will be listed in the drop-down
  5. This will then display your Slack email address to use in order to create a new user.
    • You can use this email address to receive Workflow Alerts emails as well as Report Dispatches.
    • Click the "Save Integration" at the bottom of the screen and your Slack email address will post to your selected channels

  6.  After creating a user with the email provided by Slack, add the email of the newly created user as a recipient to all the Workflow Rules that you'd like to receive the alerts in Slack and become Close the Loop Champions!

2) Periodic Report integration:

Custom Reports built in Report Hub have a feature that allows users to be signed up to receive the report on an automated basis. By adding a "Slack User" to CustomerGauge, 

a) Add the email integration to the desired Slack Channel:


 See above steps 1-5

b) Add the email address for the Slack Channel as a User to CustomerGauge, in the User Manager:

c) Go to the report(s) you'd like to be sent to the Slack Channel

d) Add the Slack Channel user as a recipient to the report(s)

e) Share the knowledge of NPS activity throughout your organization by having them signed up to the Slack channel! Enjoy the benefit and convenience of having automated reports

Note: Depending on which version of Slack you use as well as which machine you use it on, you may find the report quality will vary depending on which Report Dispatch Preference you choose. Try Adjusting the report dispatch preference option in the User Manager to determine which setting will have the best results for report quality for your organization!