NPS Bubble widget provides a view of three metrics as three dimensions for a specific Segment. Use this widget to easily see how the values of a segment are performing in relation to each other, identify outliers and density of key metrics for Segments.

Widget notes:

  • Hovering each bubble shows all the relevant data for the metrics selected in the widget's settings.
  • The bubble size is based on the metric "Bubble size metric" selected in the widget's settings.
  • This widget has IS and IS NOT filter operators
  • This widget has the global data access restriction option
  • For the segment to be shown over the bubbles you have to enable "Show numbers on relevant Graphs/Charts" option in a report's Settings.

Adding the Widget:

Add the widget to your report clicking on New Widget and navigating to NPS or searching for NPS Bubble.

Group by Settings:

Segment: Choose which segment is going to be represented by each bubble.

Additional Settings:

X-axis metric: Select the metric for the bubbles to be distributed on the X-axis. Possible values: Responses, Comments, Promoters, Passives, Detractors, NPS, Responses %, Comments %, Promoters %, Passives % and Detractors %.

Y-axis metric: Select the metric for the bubbles to be distributed on the Y-axis. Possible values: Responses, Comments, Promoters, Passives, Detractors, NPS, Responses %, Comments %, Promoters %, Passives % and Detractors %.

Bubble size metric: Select the metric that is going to influence the bubbles' size. Possible values: Responses, Comments, Promoters, Passives, Detractors, NPS, Responses %, Comments %, Promoters %, Passives % and Detractors %.

Order by: Select which metric is going to be the priority when listing the bubbles up until the page size limit. Possible values: Responses, Comments, Promoters, Passives, Detractors, NPS, Responses %, Comments %, Promoters %, Passives % and Detractors %.

Order direction: Select the direction of the ordering. Possible values: DESC and ASC.

Page size: This controls how many bubbles are shown. Possible values: 10, 25, 50, 100, 250.

Metrics calculation:

  • Delivered: Number of invitations successfully delivered to customers.
  • Responses: Number of surveys answered. The rate is calculated dividing the # of Responses by # of Delivered. The Response Rate includes all responses even No Scores.