


In the Usage report, you are able to view a summary of your CustomerGauge system usage. It can be accessed by navigating to My Profile Usage.

  • You are able to Subscribe to this page to receive a CustomerGauge Package Summary on the 1st of every month.
  • It shows a 1 year period by default. You are able to apply date filters on widgets that do not have the lock icon using the on-the-fly filter.

Package Usage

Integration Usage

In the Package Usage, you are able to check your package use for these specific areas:

Users: Shows the current amount of users based on your contract and the amount of active users.
Shows the current amount of Contacts in your contract and the amount of used contacts.
Shows the amount of Surveys in your contract and the amount of active campaigns.
Shows the amount of Integrations in your contract and the amount of integrations in use.
Shows the amount of Authentications in your contract and the amount of used authentications.

This widget shows the different integrations currently in use in the platform.

Type: Lists the type of integration in use.

Count: Lists the amount of integrations of each type in use.

SMS Usage

Package: SMS sending has a different value that varies depending on regions, each Pack corresponds to a different rate.

SMS Limit: SMS Limit is the amount of SMS contracted, it is based on the package contracted and is renewed every year based on the contract's date.

SMS Credit: This column shows how many SMS you have left in your package. This value is found by the the following calculation: SMS Limit - SMS sent. It starts at the same value as SMS Limit and is reduced each time an SMS is sent.

SMS by PackageSMS by Country

Package: SMS sending has a different value that varies depending on regions, each Pack corresponds to a different rate.

SMS Sent: This column shows the amount of SMS that have been sent.

NOTE: This number may be different than survey records due to additional SMS messages sent for messages with more than 140 characters.

Country: The record's country uploaded in CustomerGauge.

SMS Sent: This column shows the amount of SMS that have been sent. 
Avg SMS sent per record: This column shows the average amount of SMS sent for each contact surveyed. 

NOTE: There could be a mismatch between the SMS by Package and SMS by Country due to:

  • A Survey Record uploaded without the country info
  • A deleted Survey Record

User Login

Login by Role

Login by Country

This widget shows the percentage of active users that have logged in.

This widget shows the amount of logins done by each role.

This widget shows the amount of logins done by users of each region.

Top Users by LoginMost Accessed Reports

This widget shows the amount of logins done by the 10 users with the highest login counts.

This widget shows the amount of accesses of the 10 reports with the highest access count.