In order to set up integrations with Microsoft Dynamics a valid Authentication is needed. This Authentication can be re-used for each and every one of your Integrations.
Step by Step Guide
- Head over to the App Registrations page in Azure Active Directory and do a New Registration.
- Name: Give a descriptive name for the App, such as "CustomerGauge Integration".
- Supported Account Types: Accounts in this organizational directory only (Single tenant).
- Redirect URL: Keep this field blank.
- Save your App: Click the Proceed button - this will save your App.
- Create a Client Secret: Head to the Certificates & Secrets section in your App, and create a new Client Secret. Save the Value somewhere secure - you will not be able to obtain it at a later stage!
- Copy Client ID: Copy the Application (client) ID of the app you just created.
- Do not close the registered app: There are details on this page that you'll need later on.
- Name: Give a descriptive name for the App, such as "CustomerGauge Integration".
- Head over to Advanced Settings of your Dynamics environment. This can be accessed by pressing the cog wheel icon at the top right corner, followed by Advanced Settings.
- Go to Security Roles: You're now at the Business Management screen, open the Settings drop-down in the top menu bar. Then press "Security", followed by "Security Roles".
- Create a new role: Press the "New" button and give your Role a descriptive name, such as "CustomerGauge Integration User", and hit the Save icon at the top.
- Set Permissions: In each of the tabs, set the permissions as needed, and press "Save & and Close".
- Go to Security Roles: You're now at the Business Management screen, open the Settings drop-down in the top menu bar. Then press "Security", followed by "Security Roles".
- Head over to Security → Usersin the Advanced Settings of your Dynamics environment.
- Go to Users: Navigate back to "Security", followed by "Users".
- Go to Application Users: Press Omnichannel Users, and select "Application Users" from the drop-down.
- Create New User: Press the "+ New" button at the top-left of the screen, paste your Application (Client) ID in the Application ID field, and click Save. Once saved, the rest of the form will be filled in.
- Assign the Role: Press the Manage Roles button, and select the role you just created, and press OK.
- Go to Users: Navigate back to "Security", followed by "Users".
- Head over to CustomerGauge, navigate to Data → Integrations → Connected Apps, and create a new Connected App.
- System: Select Microsoft Dynamics from the drop-down.
- Name: Give your App a name that you'll recognize in the future.
- Directory (tenant) ID: Copy/paste the Directory (tenant) ID from your registered app in Azure Active Directory. This can be found in the Overview tab of your registered app.
- Client ID: Copy/paste the Application (client) ID from your registered app in Azure Active Directory. This can be found in the Overview tab of your registered app.
- Client Secret: Copy/paste the Client Secret you've obtained as part of your app registration in Azure Active Directory.
- Dynamics Domain: Add the domain of your Dynamics system. You can obtain this when in your Dynamics environment, and copying this from the URL in your browser.
Copy the selected part of the browser URL when in your Dynamics environment.
- Save: Press the Save button - you're now ready to set up your Outgoing Webhook!
- System: Select Microsoft Dynamics from the drop-down.