Table of Contents


       • File Requirements

       • Step by Step File Upload

       • Data Types, Required Fields and Data Types Specific Fields  

             • Accounts  

             • Contacts  

             • Survey Record  

             • Multi-Object  

             • Account Alias  

             • External Response  

             • Revenue 5.0


       • New Mapping Step by Step

       • Fields and Values

              • Required and Optional Fields

              • Auto Populated Fields

              • Delivery Vector

       • Mapping Data Types and Required Fields

Diagnosing Failures

       • Download Failed Records

Access Restriction

The Imports feature is used to bring data into CustomerGauge by manually uploading data files. Multiple Data Types can be used to upload different kinds of data each with its own required fields and behaviors.


File Requirements

  • The file is less than 15MB in size;
  • The file contains 5,000 rows or less (you can split your files following this support article - make sure to save the split files as CSV);
  • The file is CSV, with a "comma" or "semicolon" as CSV Delimiter;
  • The file has a CSV header row.
  • Each field has only up to 128 characters.

Note: if your CSV file is following the RFC 4180 industry standard, you should be good to go.

Step by Step File Upload

1. Navigate to Data → Imports.

2. In the Upload tab, click on Upload.

3. Click on the Data Type your file contains and then click on Proceed.

4. In the Configuration Step select an Import Mapping or create a new mapping.

5. After checking the Mapping preview, click on Next.

6. In the Upload step choose a file to upload and then click on Next.

7. In the Confirmation step verify if the data is correct and then click on Upload.

8. If the file was successfully received you may return to the imports page to check on its status.

Data Types, Required Fields and Data Type Specific Fields

Data TypeAdditional InformationRequired FieldsData Type Specific Fields
AccountsAccounts data type is used to add new accounts (if it does not exist) and update account data (if it exists). Account Name is used as the identifier.
  • Account Name
  • Account Name
  • Account Number
  • Account Manager Email
  • Account Manager
  • Fields that belong to the Account object
ContactsContacts data type is used to add new contacts (if it does not exist) and update contact data (if it exists). Here, Email or Phone is used as the identifier.
  • Email or Phone
  • Contact ID
  • Country
  • Currency
  • Email
  • First Name
  • Job Level
  • Language
  • Last Name
  • Phone
  • Fields that belong to the Contact object
Survey RecordSurvey Record data type is used to send survey invitations using a contact reference (phone or email).
Account and Contact data is auto-populated if nothing is provided. You can check the auto-populated fields when viewing or editing the surveys mapping.
  • Contact Reference (Phone or Email)
  • Contact Reference
  • Fields that belong to the Account, Contact and Survey objects
Multi-ObjectMulti-Object data type is used to add and update Account and Contact data while sending survey invitations.
  • Email or Phone
  • Fields that belong to the Account, Contact and Survey objects
Account AliasAccount Alias data type is used to add alternate names for Accounts.
  • Account Name
  • Alias
  • Account Name
  • Alias
External ResponseExternal Response is used to add survey responses from other systems into CustomerGauge.

Follow Up Requested values must be
  • for follow up requested
  • for follow up not requested
  • Leave empty for follow up question not selected.
  • Email or Phone
  • Sent Date
  • Response Date
  • Sent Date
  • Survey Completed Date
  • NPS Score
  • Comment
  • Follow Up Details
  • Follow Up Requested
  • Fields that belong to the Account, Contact and Survey objects
RevenueRevenue is used to add and update revenue data of accounts.
  • it's created if it does not exist
  • can have 1 revenue value per year
  • If a new value is updated for the same year, it will overwrite the previous value
  • must be a positive number
  • should not contain symbols
  • should not contain decimals
Year must be valid (YYYY)

  • Account Name
  • Value
  • Year
  • Account Name
  • Value
  • Year


New Mapping Step by Step

1. Navigate to Data → Imports → Mapping.

2. Click on +New Mapping and select the data type that you wish to create a mapping to.

3. Under Details provide a name for your mapping and choose the CSV Delimiter.

4. Under Field Mapping select all fields and their CSV File Heading (this is the label in the first row of the CSV File).

5. If applicable, select Auto Populate value fields and provide the values to them.

6. Save your new mapping clicking on Save.

Fields and Values

Required and Optional Fields

In the Required Fields card you are able to see all required fields in your system for the data type you selected, provide a CSV File Heading (the heading inside the CSV file) in order to map them to your CSV File.

In the Optional Fields card you are able to add any of the available fields that are not required and provide a CSV File Heading (the heading inside the CSV file) to each field in order to map them to your CSV File.

The list of fields available are controlled by System Admins via the Field Settings feature in System Admin.

Auto Populated Fields (Static Values)

When a value is provided for a selected field under Auto Populated Values the field value will be added to all records imported while using the mapping.

Only optional fields are able to be added as an auto populated values.

If an upload file contains the same field, the value provided in static value will overwrite it when importing.

If an upload file does not contain the field in it, the field and value will be added to the records when importing.

Delivery Vector

The Delivery Vector field is a necessary field when using the new Campaign Suite. This field allows you to provide a target delivery vector for each record by adding the following values to your CSV file or Auto Populated field:

Email: email

SMS: sms

WhatsApp: whatsapp

Personal Links: personal-link

Please, make sure the values are lowercase when adding the value to your file or auto populated field.

Mapping Data Types and Required Fields

In order for your imports to succeed, please make sure you have added these required fields to your mapping:

Data TypeRequired Fields
  • Account Name
  • Email or Phone
  • Contact Reference (Phone or Email)
  • Email or Phone
Account Aliases
  • Account Name
  • Alias
External Responses
  • Email or Phone
  • Sent Date
  • Response Date
  • Account Name
  • Value
  • Year

Diagnosing Upload Success and/or Failures

After importing a file you are able to check the file Status, Successful and Failed records in the Upload tab in Imports page. Additionally you can check our most up-to-date Diagnosing Upload Failures guide.

Successful: Clicking on the blue number of successful records will take you to the Data Transport Report with an overview of all the (initially) succeeded records. Important: Here you will also find records that successfully imported, but failed to send. Examples are unsubscribes, duplicates, bounces and records that did not match an active campaign

Failed: Clicking on the blue number of failed records will take you to the Import Failures page. You can checked the file row of the failed records, the field, the value and also an error diagnosing message. 

Download Failed Records

You are able to download all records that have failed from the Import Failures page:

1. Navigate to Data → Imports.

2. In the Upload tab find the file with the failed records and click on the blue number under Failed.

3. In the Import Failures page click on the Download Errors button.

4. Save the generated CSV file containing the failed records.

Access Restriction

The access to your success and failures are restricted to Owners and System Admin only.