
This feature allows you to configure system-wide settings related to the sending of surveys & campaigns.

Note: These are settings that impact ALL surveys & campaigns in your platform.

How to access?

You can set up these configurations in the Settings -> System Admin > System Settings -> Surveys & Campaigns.

This feature is restricted to Global Admins only. If you are a Global Admin but don't know how to access this page, please contact your CSM and they can show you.

Partially Completed Surveys

Consider partially completed surveys as responses

This setting allows you to indicate that you'd like a partially completed survey to become a "response" after a certain number of days of abandonment, since the last survey action.

"Last survey action" is the last time a "next" button was clicked in your survey. CustomerGauge currently only captures data from questions on a given survey page when the "next" button is clicked. Most commonly, for our customers, this means the respondent selected an NPS score, clicked ”next,” but then abandoned the survey before clicking “submit” or before continuing on to page 3, 4, etc.

Because a respondent may decide to complete the survey a few days later, and because you likely also have automatic reminders being sent out after a certain number of days, we recommend that you pick a number for this setting that is at least a few days greater than your reminder rule. If you are unsure of what your reminder rule is, please open a support ticket and our team can assist you. 

To protect you from selecting a period of time that is too small, we've set the current minimum to 10 days from the last survey action. The maximum setting is 30 days from the last survey action.

Considerations Regarding Partially Completed Surveys

NOTE: While you can turn the partial completes setting on/off, any partially completed responses that occur while this setting is activated can NOT be undone.

When a record is transitioned from a partially complete non-response to a response, the following will happen:

  • Survey record gets a “completed date” & counts towards your response rate %
    • The completed date will be the exact day/time the partial complete becomes a response, per the rule you configure
  • Integration push-backs are triggered (both Integration Hub for Salesforce, Dynamics, etc.) and the CG GET Response API, if any of those are being used by your organization
  • Any Escalation Email with a matching rule gets triggered
  • A case is opened in CustomerGauge for any matching rule
  • The response is reflected in any relevant report(s) in CG

How do I know if a survey record was a partial complete or a "full" complete?

There are a few places you can check:

1) On the Customer Details Page, the "Survey Transport" widget will tell you if a response was a partial complete
2) On the Customer Details Page, our support team or your CSM can add a box with our "status" code shown in it. The status code for Partial Completes is 206, while the status code for a "full" complete is 207.

3) When you export data from CustomerGauge via the Customer --> Export Engine, our support team or your CSM can add that "status" code field (mentioned in point 2 above) as an exportable field for you as well. 

Benefits of using Partial Complete Feature:


  • Will help you increase your response rate – Based on our research, this will likely improve your response. We have found up to a 25% increase on survey response rate… (at least on NPS and questions on the first page) 
  • You can capture all NPS scores given (at least if the respondent completes the 1st page, and you have your NPS question on first page as is standard)
  • Could be particularly helpful for slightly longer surveys with higher abandonment rates


  • You may not get all the other useful info that comes with a fully completed survey response (comments, drivers, etc.)
  • Indicative score only - a respondent may have changed their mind before submitting their score, had they chosen to submit the survey on their own.

How to configure?

1. Click the checkbox to enable the partial completes feature (or uncheck it to disable the feature).

2. Drag the slider to a value between 10-30 (days). This will be the number of days since the last survey action that a partially complete survey will be pushed to your platform as a response.

3. Be sure to click "Save", to save any changes you make.

Future State

In the future, you will be able to manage other system-wide settings related to surveys & campaigns such as your reminder rule, duplication rule, etc. But for now, if you need to modify any of those, please contact support or get in touch with your Customer Success Manager.

Check your Partial Complete Results

If you like to check all your partial complete responses (or remove them) you can do so from the new Status filter.

By using this filter you can see only your Partial Complete responses or you can remove them from your other responses