You now can have your own Personalized Dashboard!

How it works:

  • It is possible to activate for each and / or every role
  • It cannot be activated for specific users, only for entire roles
  • The Dashboard is completely personal, so no one will have access to your Personal Dashboard

Personalized Dashboard activated

Once is active you will see the Personalize Dashboard button. It will create your Personal Dashboard with the same widgets and filters you have on your current dashboard.

How to access it

After you created your personal dashboard it will by default become your landing page the next time you log in. You can also check your Personal Dashboard on Report Hub under the My Dashboard section, along with your shared Dashboards.

How to Deactivate it

If you don't want your new personal dashboard to be your landing page you can deactivate in the Settings tab on your report as shown below. This will make the User Role Dashboard (relevant to your user type) as the landing page again. If you wish to use your personal dashboard as a landing page again - you can go to My Dashboards -> Click on the Dashboard -> Setting Tab -> Turn it ON