Pull Diagnostics

To view your Pull History, simply click on the number in the Total Pulls column in the My Integrations section.

Please note that this number will be 0 while we're still processing the pulled records.

Diagnosing Pull Failures

"Pull failed because of Prepared xml is not a valid xml."

When you receive this error message, no records were returned by Salesforce.

This is likely because there were no records matching your query.

While testing, it's quite common to forget to revert your Flag field in Salesforce, so no record would match your "Pulled_by_CG__c = false" criteria.

If this is the case, you may want to review your record in Salesforce and ensure you're able to pull it.

Flag Diagnostics

To view your Pull History, click on the number in the Total Pulls column in the My Integrations section.

On the next page, Pull History, find the Pull that would have triggered a Flag action that you'd like to diagnose, and click on the number in the Flag Updates column.

If a flag request failed, we'll display a red warning icon - you can click on it to find out which flag attempts failed.

Click the "Retry failed flag update" button at the top right corner of the page to retry all the failed flags.

Be sure to update your flag mapping beforehand if that requires any changes!

Push Diagnostics

Push diagnostics are available from the Pull History, for records that have been pulled through the Native Integration.

Note that we do push back records that are not pulled through a Native Integration; diagnostics for these records is currently not available (coming soon).

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