In the Flag Criteria tab you can configure how to mark ("flag") records in Salesforce with a value, indicating that you have pulled them.

This is typically used to prevent records from being pulled again.

If you have set up your Pull Criteria, you may want to use Flag Criteria to flag the records you've pulled.

If you chose not to Pull, you also can not set up your Flag Criteria.


Flag Setup

If you pull records from Salesforce, you probably want to prevent those records from being pulled again.

You can update pulled records in Salesforce, so that you don't pull duplicates.

In case you don't mind pulling duplicates, you can choose not to update a record that has been pulled.

Flag Mapping

Preparing for Flagging

Before you configure your flag, you should figure out which field(s) you'd like to use to flag.

Usually this results in a custom field in the Contact object.

How to configure Flag Mapping

In order to Flag that you've pulled a record, you'll need the unique identifier of that object.

This would usually be the "Id" field.

To configure Flag Mapping, you'll need to set up JSON in the following structure;


Simply replace the object, id, and field values with the values applicable to you.

  • The "object" is the target object in Salesforce
  • The "id" should contain the field you stored the Id of the record you pulled (as configured in Pull Criteria)
  • The "fields" object contains the Salesforce field name of the "object", with the flagged value as the value

You can also flag multiple objects at the same time;


You can also flag multiple fields at the same time;

      "CGuploadStatus__c":"Record Pulled"

Flagging with a date

You can also flag date fields with the the placeholder value {NOW()} that will be replaced by the date/time of the time of Pull. This value will be in UTC time, and in ISO-8601 format (2021-08-13T12:34:56).


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