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Integration Details


Integration Details

The first step of setting up your Native Integration, is to give it a name and description, and specify whether you'd like to connect to your Salesforce Sandbox or your live Salesforce system.


Instance Name:

This is the name of your integration – use a short yet descriptive name that makes it easy to find it back (in case you have multiple integrations running).


You can give a lengthier description of your integration to make it easier to understand what this integration is about, without having to look at all the settings.

Connect to:

We recommend you to first test your integration using your Salesforce Sandbox. Once you feel comfortable, you can switch this setting to "Enterprise", connecting to your live Salesforce system.

Note that there are some minor differences between Sandbox and Enterprise Salesforce systems — we'll cover those in these support pages where applicable.

Failure Alert Recipients:

The Failure Alert Recipients setting is a proactive way to stay on top of the health of your integration. You can add one or more users to receive an email alert whenever a Pull, Flag, or Push fails. Whenever a failure gets added to the Integration Diagnostics, the users configured in the integration will receive an email alert. Pull attempts that return 0 records are not considered failures.


In the Authentication tab, you can set up your authentication credentials to connect to Salesforce.




Required field. The username of the Salesforce user you'd like to authenticate with.


Required field. The password of the Salesforce user you'd like to authenticate with.

Security Token:

Required field. The security token of the Salesforce user you'd like to authenticate with.

Note that Salesforce won't allow you to view your Security Token – save it when you get it!
You can reset your Security Token from within Salesforce > My Settings > Reset My Security Token.

WSDL File:

Required field. The WSDL file as generated by Salesforce (read more here).

  • Use Partner for Sandbox
  • Use Enterprise for live system
  • Ensure that the filename ends with ".wsdl.xml" (without quotation marks)
  • Please note that we can't accept a WSDL file of more than 10MB

Note: if you switch from Sandbox to Enterprise, you should upload the corresponding WSDL.