Drivers Contribution widget allows you to see your Drivers of Satisfaction and Drivers of Improvement and the NPS each of them representes. The Drivers of Improvement effectively show you how much of your NPS your detractors represent, and will help you prioritize what to improve next. The Drivers of Satisfaction, show you how much of your NPS your promoters represent.

Adding the Widget

Add the widget to your report clicking on New Widget and navigating to Widget Type or searching for Widget Name

Widget Specific Settings:

Make a selection of the required setting that best suits your reporting needs.

Date settings: 

  • Survey Date: it shows the amount of responses and respondents for that date period
  • Revenue Date: it shows the period amount ($) for that period

All the above Date Type options come with the date range types of Rolling period, Current period, Previous period and Static date. The Static period here doesn't have the one year limit for Revenue Date.

Filter settings: 

  • Survey record filters allow you to control which survey records' Drivers should be selected to be displayed

Drivers to display:

You can choose to view the report for

  • Only Primary Drivers

  • Only Secondary Drivers
  • Choose a Specific Primary Driver
    • Please note: in this visualization only the secondary drivers underneath the chosen primary driver will be displayed.

Order by:

You can choose to order the report by

  • Alphanumeric
  • Total NPS Contribution
  • Promoter NPS Contribution
  • Passive & Detractor NPS Contribution

Order direction:

  • Ascending: High to low (Revenue) and A-Z (Alphanumeric)

  • Descending: Low to high (Revenue) and Z-A (Alphanumeric)


  • 1-200: Allows you to control how many drivers you'd like to view (maintaining the order from the settings above). Any drivers that can't be displayed due to Limit will be combined under "Other Drivers".