CustomerGauge Release Notes v5.32 - Released 22 February 2023
Pedro Henrique
started a topic
almost 2 years ago
2 New Features
New SMS Campaigns
Create and manage campaigns for the SMS delivery vector. This new feature allows you to send primary invitations, first reminder, second reminder, set up sending time and campaign filters. For more information, check the support page.
New Campaign Surveys
Create and manage Surveys for your Campaigns! Expanding on the Pop-up Survey builder, this new feature allows you to create, clone, and manage surveys, as well as easily applying different branding. You may not be able to use them in all your Campaigns just yet - but have a look and give us your feedback!
17 Feature Improvements
Improvements to Custom HTML widget security. Due to this improvement, links added to this widget will open in a new window.
Survey Record page: The Order Date field has been added under Campaign Details.
Sender Profiles: You are now able to update the Facebook API Key of your Sender Profiles in System Settings.
Several UI improvements to Survey Pop-ups and Branding.
Campaigns: Updated several labels to be more consistent with other features.
Personal Links Campaigns: Added a new column for the campaign owner.
Campaigns: Removed the Unsubscribe page column.
Access restriction has been added to Surveys: only the creator of a survey or System Admins are able to make changes to created surveys. All admins are able to see all surveys.
Access restriction has been added to Brandings: only the creator of a brand or System Admins are able to make changes to created brands. All admins are able to see all brands.
Added a new setting for background color in Brandings.
You are now able to check a campaign’s details by clicking on the campaign name in Automated Campaigns.
You are now able to access the Data Transport Report for each Automated Campaign clicking on the icon under Stats.
You are now able to schedule a second reminder to WhatsApp campaigns.
You are now able to configure the sending period for WhatsApp campaigns, choosing when to start and when to stop.
You are now able to make changes to drafted and rejected WhatsApp templates.
Rest APIs
GET Responses: This API now supports Date parameters, for more information check the support page.
GET Non-Responses: This API now supports Date parameters, for more information check the support page.
3 Feature Fixes
Additional Scores Table: Solved an issue where exporting through the built-in export would generate a file with some CSS styles in columns that had SVG icons.
NPS Pivot Table: Solved an issue where exporting as CSV would not generate a file to be downloaded.
Favorite Reports
Solved an issue where changes to Favorite Reports would not be saved when removing all additional reports from any user type.
Pedro Henrique
2 New Features
New SMS Campaigns
Create and manage campaigns for the SMS delivery vector. This new feature allows you to send primary invitations, first reminder, second reminder, set up sending time and campaign filters. For more information, check the support page.

New Campaign Surveys
Create and manage Surveys for your Campaigns! Expanding on the Pop-up Survey builder, this new feature allows you to create, clone, and manage surveys, as well as easily applying different branding. You may not be able to use them in all your Campaigns just yet - but have a look and give us your feedback!
17 Feature Improvements
Improvements to Custom HTML widget security. Due to this improvement, links added to this widget will open in a new window.
Survey Record page: The Order Date field has been added under Campaign Details.
Sender Profiles: You are now able to update the Facebook API Key of your Sender Profiles in System Settings.
Several UI improvements to Survey Pop-ups and Branding.
Campaigns: Updated several labels to be more consistent with other features.
Personal Links Campaigns: Added a new column for the campaign owner.
Campaigns: Removed the Unsubscribe page column.
Access restriction has been added to Surveys: only the creator of a survey or System Admins are able to make changes to created surveys. All admins are able to see all surveys.
Access restriction has been added to Brandings: only the creator of a brand or System Admins are able to make changes to created brands. All admins are able to see all brands.
Added a new setting for background color in Brandings.
You are now able to check a campaign’s details by clicking on the campaign name in Automated Campaigns.

You are now able to access the Data Transport Report for each Automated Campaign clicking on the icon under Stats.
You are now able to schedule a second reminder to WhatsApp campaigns.
You are now able to configure the sending period for WhatsApp campaigns, choosing when to start and when to stop.
You are now able to make changes to drafted and rejected WhatsApp templates.
Rest APIs
GET Responses: This API now supports Date parameters, for more information check the support page.
GET Non-Responses: This API now supports Date parameters, for more information check the support page.
3 Feature Fixes
Additional Scores Table: Solved an issue where exporting through the built-in export would generate a file with some CSS styles in columns that had SVG icons.
NPS Pivot Table: Solved an issue where exporting as CSV would not generate a file to be downloaded.
Favorite Reports
Solved an issue where changes to Favorite Reports would not be saved when removing all additional reports from any user type.