CustomerGauge Release Notes v5.12 - Released 4 May 2022
Pedro Henrique
started a topic
almost 3 years ago
2 New Features
Responses Stacked Column: This widget allows you to view a single metric as a column visualization or a combination of metrics as a stacked column visualization for the selected segment or date. This widget comes with IS and IS NOT filter operators, group by date, group by segment, drivers filter and the ability to drill down and export all of the data with up to 5 favorite segments. For more information, visit the support article.
Drivers Pivot Table: This widget provides a visualization of Responses for Primary or Secondary drivers pivoted by a chosen segment. This widget comes with IS and IS NOT filter operators and the ability to drill down and export all of the data with up to 5 favorite segments. For more information, visit the support article.
5 Feature Improvements
NPS Stacked Column: This widget now has a shortcut to its support article.
Widgets with the ‘Group by segments’ now have the first segment selected by default.
Close the Loop on-the-go: The ‘Change Status’ button in the email alert is now available for 1 week before expiring.
New Response: The template formatting is now kept intact when changing email action type.
Account Page
The Account Details card now shows all account segments data.
1 Feature Fix
Native Integration: Solved an issue where secondary drivers did not have quotation marks.
Pedro Henrique
2 New Features
Responses Stacked Column: This widget allows you to view a single metric as a column visualization or a combination of metrics as a stacked column visualization for the selected segment or date. This widget comes with IS and IS NOT filter operators, group by date, group by segment, drivers filter and the ability to drill down and export all of the data with up to 5 favorite segments.

For more information, visit the support article.
Drivers Pivot Table: This widget provides a visualization of Responses for Primary or Secondary drivers pivoted by a chosen segment. This widget comes with IS and IS NOT filter operators and the ability to drill down and export all of the data with up to 5 favorite segments.

For more information, visit the support article.
5 Feature Improvements
NPS Stacked Column: This widget now has a shortcut to its support article.
Widgets with the ‘Group by segments’ now have the first segment selected by default.
Close the Loop on-the-go: The ‘Change Status’ button in the email alert is now available for 1 week before expiring.
New Response: The template formatting is now kept intact when changing email action type.
Account Page
The Account Details card now shows all account segments data.
1 Feature Fix
Native Integration: Solved an issue where secondary drivers did not have quotation marks.