CustomerGauge Release Notes v5.10 - Released 30 March 2022
Pedro Henrique
started a topic
almost 3 years ago
1 New Feature
NPS Loyalty Spectrum: Easily visualize the distribution of responses received across scores in this new Loyalty widget. The widget comes with IS and IS NOT filter operators, group by date, group by segment, drivers filter and the ability to drill down and export all of the data with up to 5 favorite segments. For more information, visit the support article.
10 Feature Improvements
A clearer error message is displayed when importing from Touchpoints that had invalid values in the import configuration’s static field.
An information icon that redirects to the corresponding support article has been added to multiple upload data type cards.
An information box has been added to import configurations along with a shortcut to their respective support articles.
The Import failures page now has a shortcut to the relevant support article.
Segments 1 to 5 are now able to be added as merge tags in workflow alerts email, assign cases and email recipients.
Custom fields 0 to 9 are now able to be added as merge tags in workflow alerts email and email recipients.
Activities Timeline widget: Follow up activity has been renamed to Follow up requested.
Drivers Distribution: this widget is now able to be filterable by drivers.
Default period has been changed to 1 year instead of 1 month.
Drill downs
The comment translation column is now only present if the comment translation is enabled.
6 Feature Fixes
Solved an issue where Order Date value was saved as “0000-00-00” when the field was empty in the uploaded file. The value is now the same as the creation date.
Solved an issue where import configurations would not refresh Last Updated information when being modified.
Data Transport
Solved an issue where surveys Scheduled or Duplicated would show “Invalid date” on Sent Date.
Additional Scores Table: Solved an issue where it was not possible to sort columns when Grouped by Segments.
Delivery Table: Solved an issue where this widget was mistakenly showing a download PDF option.
Responses Table: Solved an issue where the Clicked metric was also displaying other metrics data.
Pedro Henrique
1 New Feature
NPS Loyalty Spectrum: Easily visualize the distribution of responses received across scores in this new Loyalty widget. The widget comes with IS and IS NOT filter operators, group by date, group by segment, drivers filter and the ability to drill down and export all of the data with up to 5 favorite segments.

For more information, visit the support article.
10 Feature Improvements
A clearer error message is displayed when importing from Touchpoints that had invalid values in the import configuration’s static field.
An information icon that redirects to the corresponding support article has been added to multiple upload data type cards.
An information box has been added to import configurations along with a shortcut to their respective support articles.
The Import failures page now has a shortcut to the relevant support article.
Segments 1 to 5 are now able to be added as merge tags in workflow alerts email, assign cases and email recipients.
Custom fields 0 to 9 are now able to be added as merge tags in workflow alerts email and email recipients.
Activities Timeline widget: Follow up activity has been renamed to Follow up requested.
Drivers Distribution: this widget is now able to be filterable by drivers.
Default period has been changed to 1 year instead of 1 month.
Drill downs
6 Feature Fixes
Solved an issue where Order Date value was saved as “0000-00-00” when the field was empty in the uploaded file. The value is now the same as the creation date.
Solved an issue where import configurations would not refresh Last Updated information when being modified.
Data Transport
Solved an issue where surveys Scheduled or Duplicated would show “Invalid date” on Sent Date.
Additional Scores Table: Solved an issue where it was not possible to sort columns when Grouped by Segments.
Delivery Table: Solved an issue where this widget was mistakenly showing a download PDF option.
Responses Table: Solved an issue where the Clicked metric was also displaying other metrics data.
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