This feature allows the merge of Additional Score and Single or Multiple Choice questions from different surveys into a single question.

Good to know

  • Only questions of the same type can be merged.
  • Its not possible to merge questions in the same survey.
  • After a question is merged into another, it cannot be undone, so take it into consideration before using this feature.
  • After a successful merge all the data pertaining to the merged question will be moved to the question it was merged into.

Additional Score questions

There are 3 types of additional score questions in the system and each of them has 2 different score ranges:

TypeScore RangeDescription
Rating1 to 5Asks the customer to rate the interaction
Rating0 to 10
Customer Effort1 to 5Asks how much effort was put to handle an issue
Customer Effort1 to 7
Customer Satisfaction1 to 5Asks how satisfied a customer is with the interaction
Customer Satisfaction0 to 10

Single or Multiple Choice questions

There are 3 types of single or multiple choice questions in the system:

DropdownAsks the customer to choose one of the dropdown options.
Asks the customer to choose one of the radio options.
Asks the customer to select one or more options that apply.


In addition to the above questions, you may also merge the following options:

Additional Comment
Asks the customer for additional data, allowing to type freely.
Input BoxAsks the customer for additional data, allowing to type freely.

When merging questions is useful

Merging these types of questions starts being useful when there are multiple questions in multiple surveys and it becomes difficult to keep track of them all. With this feature, a single question can hold data from multiple questions in different surveys, giving you the ability to access the data from a single place.

How to use

1. Click on Settings.

2. Navigate to System Admin

3. Click on Survey Questions.

4. Select a Question Type in the dropdown.

5. Find the source question which is going to be merged and click on the merge button.

6. In the dropdown, select the destination question to receive the source question's data.

7. Click on proceed.

8. Make sure the you've selected the right question and then click merge.

9. The following message appears if the merge was successful: