In most cases, Widget Exports will give you all the data you need, and allow you to re-use the reporting filters you’re already using. To export data from a widget, simply click on the three dots in the top right.

If you would like to take data out of your system, please go to your menu under Data Export Engine 

Watch our video about the Export Engine or use the text outlined below to take you through the steps.

If you have exported and want to download your files, go to Export History. In there you can download all the files that you have exported.

There are various options to filter the data you wish to export:


Data settings allow you to to choose what kind of data with which fields you want to export

  1. File type: Allows you to choose the kind of file you want to export
  2. CSV delimeter: You can choose if you want your CSV file delimited by comma or semi-colon. This field is only available if you are exporting a CSV file
  3. Data type: You can choose which type of data you want to see between Responses, Non Responses or both
  4. NPS Loyalty: This allows you to filter your data by loyalty (Promoter, Passive and Detractor). It is only applicable to the Responses and if you are exporting a Non-Responses type this field will not show
  5. Fields to export: Here is a list of all the fields available in your system to export data from. You can delete the options you don't require for that upload. None of the changes that you make on the Export Engine will be saved, it will always return to the default.
  6. Additional questions: If you want any additional questions to show on the export you can add them here


Date settings allow you to control which date range will be exported on your file.

  1. Date type: You can choose which date type you’d like to use for your report’s date range; Order Date, E-mail Sent Date, or Survey Completed Date (they may have a different name in your system). Note that these types have different effects on the data. 

  2. Date range

    • Rolling Period allows you to configure your date range to cover the last X days.
    • Previous Period allows you to configure your date range to cover the start of the previous period, to the end of that period. For example, if it’s the 16th of August today, Previous Period “Month” would result in a date range of 1st of July to 31st of July. When the next month hits, your date range is automatically changed to cover all of August. We highly recommend using this date range in your periodic reports.
    • Current Period allows you to configure your date range to cover the start of the current period, to the end of that period. For example, if it’s the 16th of August today, Current Period “Month” would result in a date range that covers all of August
    • Static Period allows you to select a specific date period that you want to export


  1. + Add filter
  2. Select: You can then choose which value of that field you want to filter on. When you filter, records must meet all of the criteria you’ve configured. For example a specific country or company
  3. Put which values of that field you want to filter


Some files may take a while to be exported, so if you want to be notified once your file is ready to be downloaded please tick the checkbox in the Notification Setting Section.

Please Note: If you don't have a valid email set up on your account you won't receive the email.

When you finish setting up your export press the Start Export button to export your file. If you don't have any data to be downloaded a pop-up message will show up:

Once you have generated the file, you will be able to download it on your computer. 

If you have selected to be notified on your email you can wait to receive the notification or go directly to 'Export History'.

In the Export History, you can go back to the Export Engine, search for an export or download all your exported files. The file that you just exported will be highlighted in blue.

  • None of the changes that you make on the Export Engine will be saved, it will always return to the default.

Widget Export

The widget export section allows you to download all widget exports started by you.