The Tags feature provides an overview of the tags added to survey responses manually by your users.

You can find this feature navigating to Settings > System Admin > Tags. It's available for all Admins and provides functions such as: add new tags, edit, delete and merge.

Search: Search for specific tags that match the entered value.

Add Tag: Add a new tag.

Tag: The list of tags that already exists in the system.

# Responses: The amount of records each tag belongs to.

Actions: Shows a list of possible actions.

  • Edit: Edit a tag, updating all its occurrences to the edited tag.
  • Merge: Move all occurrences of a tag to a chosen destination tag. The destination tag will replace all occurrences of the source tag. THIS IS IRREVERSIBLE. 
  • Delete: Remove a tag and all its occurrences from all records. THIS IS IRREVERSIBLE.

Merging Tags

Locate the Source Tag that will be replaced and then click on under Actions and then click on Merge.

A popup will open for you to choose the Destination Tag which will replace all occurrences of the Source Tag:

Click on Proceed after making sure you've selected the correct tags.

Check again if the correct tags have been selected and then click on Merge to finish the process.