CustomerGauge Release Notes v5.62 - Released 13 May 2024

1 New Features

  • New in Survey Suite

    • Question to Field Mapping: You are now able to map Radio or Select Box questions to filterable fields. This allows you to store the answer of one of these questions in a field, enabling its use in a wider Reporting variety.

      • This feature can be found in the Questions tab of the Survey Suite, and is available for any new Question.

      • Fields available to map to are: Segment (A-5), Country, City, State, Area, and Job Title fields.

      • This feature is applicable to questions used in Survey Suite only.

      • This feature is not intended to be used in combination when uploading data into a field that has questions mapped to it.

4 Feature Improvements

  • Salesforce Integration 5.0

    • You now can drill down into Flag History from the Pull History, allowing you to see the job details of the flag attempts.

    • You now can trigger a Manual Pull from within the Pull History.

    • We have made several improvements to the Pull Query input box, adding color-coding, and indentation support, making it easier to keep your query readable.

  • Outgoing Webhooks

    • Added support for Merge Tags in the Endpoint URL, allowing you to pass dynamic data (e.g., an id) in the URL of the API/Webhook you’re calling.

1 Feature Fix

  • Survey Suite

    • Solved an issue where the "No 'Drivers to Display' selected" error message would instead show a generic error message, when trying to save a survey without selecting any drivers.