CustomerGauge Release Notes v5.49 - Released 08 November 2023
Pedro Henrique
started a topic
over 1 year ago
2 New Features
New in Survey Suite
New Widget: Radio The Radio survey widget allows you to ask multi-choice questions with a single answer in your Survey Suite Surveys.
New Widget: Select Box The Select Box survey widget allows you to ask multi-choice questions with a single answer in your Survey Suite Surveys, in a drop-down style, allowing you to save on precious real-estate on your survey.
6 Feature Improvements
Survey Suite
The Font Family configured in the survey’s Branding is now also being reflected while editing the survey.
The ‘lowest score’ and ‘highest score’ subtexts of score questions (such as NPS, CES, CSAT, and Rating) now use the font family as configured in the Branding.
The copyright text now uses the font family as configured in the Branding.
Pressing the Return button while editing a Pop-up Survey now causes you to return to the list of Pop-up Surveys, rather than the list of Campaign Surveys.
A new parameter &with[]=selected_drivers has been added to the API, allowing you to retrieve the hierarchical structure of the selected drivers for responses.
The sentiment of Text Analytics Topics is now being returned alongside the topic when the &with[]=tags parameter is used.
6 Feature Fixes
Survey Suite
Cloning Surveys is now working as intended again.
Pop-up Surveys that get initialized on the same page without reloading, now no longer retain the answers of the previous respondent.
Solved an issue where a survey completion did not get recorded if the language was changed without answering any question after changing the language.
Solved an issue where navigating between pages did not retain the answers to Checkbox questions.
Workflow Rules
Solved an issue where ‘New Bounce’ Workflow Rules did not send an email if the bounce event occurred during a pre-invite.
Close-the-Loop on-the-Go
Solved a rare issue where a 500 Internal Error got displayed incorrectly.
Pedro Henrique
2 New Features
New in Survey Suite
New Widget: Radio

The Radio survey widget allows you to ask multi-choice questions with a single answer in your Survey Suite Surveys.
New Widget: Select Box

The Select Box survey widget allows you to ask multi-choice questions with a single answer in your Survey Suite Surveys, in a drop-down style, allowing you to save on precious real-estate on your survey.
6 Feature Improvements
Survey Suite
The Font Family configured in the survey’s Branding is now also being reflected while editing the survey.
The ‘lowest score’ and ‘highest score’ subtexts of score questions (such as NPS, CES, CSAT, and Rating) now use the font family as configured in the Branding.
The copyright text now uses the font family as configured in the Branding.
Pressing the Return button while editing a Pop-up Survey now causes you to return to the list of Pop-up Surveys, rather than the list of Campaign Surveys.
GET Responses API
A new parameter &with[]=selected_drivers has been added to the API, allowing you to retrieve the hierarchical structure of the selected drivers for responses.
The sentiment of Text Analytics Topics is now being returned alongside the topic when the &with[]=tags parameter is used.
6 Feature Fixes
Survey Suite
Cloning Surveys is now working as intended again.
Pop-up Surveys that get initialized on the same page without reloading, now no longer retain the answers of the previous respondent.
Solved an issue where a survey completion did not get recorded if the language was changed without answering any question after changing the language.
Solved an issue where navigating between pages did not retain the answers to Checkbox questions.
Workflow Rules
Solved an issue where ‘New Bounce’ Workflow Rules did not send an email if the bounce event occurred during a pre-invite.
Close-the-Loop on-the-Go
Solved a rare issue where a 500 Internal Error got displayed incorrectly.