CustomerGauge Release Notes v5.02 - Released 24 November 2021
Pedro Henrique
started a topic
over 3 years ago
2 New Features
System Admin: Additional Score Merge
You’re now able to merge data from score questions in different surveys into a single one, making it easier to keep track of scores from multiple sources.
Pedro Henrique
2 New Features
System Admin: Additional Score Merge
You’re now able to merge data from score questions in different surveys into a single one, making it easier to keep track of scores from multiple sources.

Get the details here.
Imports: Multi-object File Upload
You’re now able to add Accounts, Contacts and send Surveys from a single file upload using the multi-object import option.

Get the details here.
4 Feature Improvements
Imports: Configurations
You are now able to create API import configurations for the following data types:
Account Aliases
Multi-Object (Accounts, Contacts and Surveys)
Integrations: Microsoft Dynamics
Activities can now be imported through the Microsoft Dynamics Integration
Reporting Widgets
Delivery Table widget has been improved and now supports “is not” filter, favorite segments and it is able to export all its data in a single click.
Delivery Trend widget has been improved and now supports “is not” filter, favorite segments and it is able to export all its data in a single click.
10 Feature Fixes
Fixed an issue where making a large revenue upload would stay indefinitely on the loading screen.
Fixed an issue where the preview screen would crash when uploading an invalid csv file.
Single Sign On
Fixed a rare issue where CG Academy could not be accessed for users that logged in through SSO.
Fixed an issue where the widgets in Scheduled Email Reports in PDF format were being cut on page breaks.
Fixed an alignment issue on NPS Comments and Additional Comments widget search fields.
Fixed an issue where Call Center Recordings were not showing up on the Response Page.
Fixed an issue where the dropdown on some widgets filters were not showing values.
Fixed an issue where the NPS Comments widget was not being displayed correctly on the Firefox browser.
Fixed an issue where copying a dashboard was creating a copy in the My Dashboards section.
Workflow Rules
Fixed an issue where the ‘Case not Closed’ email alert update button was redirecting to an empty Customer Details Page.