CustomerGauge Release Notes v4.15 - Released 28 March 2018

Release Notes: v4.15 Released 28 March 2018

Export Engine

[CGS-3354] Significantly improved the export speed for files less than 1,000 records

[CGS-3354] Solved an issue where exporting a large amount of additional questions would break the file

Customer details page

[CGS-3308]  Customer details page: Pressing the "All" button in the Drivers section  will now show all drivers, even if the respondent didn't select any.

[CGS-3309]  Customer details page: The Additional Questions section now behaves  accordingly when no answers have been given to additional questions.

[CGS-2935] Customer details page: Reviews section - The date “x 'weeks' ago” now correctly shows up in mobile versions

Browser compatibility

[CGS-3272] Made several improvements to mobile responsiveness when closing the loop

[CGS-3341] Solved some issues with Internet Explorer