Reviews.CustomerGauge enables you to showcase your customer reviews, NPS score and rating, together with your company information and contact details on a company branded public website. You can have multiple review sites and in multiple language, with filters applied on them to separate your viewers for better visibility.
Available for our CustomerGauge Enterprise customers, CustomerGauge Reviews allows customers (survey respondents) to choose at the end of their NPS survey if they wish to publish their NPS score and comments to a company branded public website by simply ticking a check box. With this new site a company’s NPS system and public review page need not be two separate endeavors, but instead the former can feed the latter.
Features and functionality of
Customers can opt to publish their reviews from the survey. This will publish their NPS score, the NPS converted to a 5-point star rating scale and comment, all in real time to the public review site. Please contact your Customer Success Manager to have this set up on your survey.
From the survey:
Is also possible to receive escalation email alerts when someone reports a comment for abuse or when a new comment is published. Please contact your CSM to have this set up.
From the public site:
Each company’s total NPS score, averaged rating and 5-point star rating will be presented within the review page based on all customer responses (not just reviews published). If your review site has any filters, it will also apply here.
It is also possible to share your review site and specific comments from the website. At the moment we only support Twitter and LinkedIn.
If you want to share your website, simply click on the social button on the main page. If you want to share a specific comment, click on the on the publishers name and then on the social buttons.
From the application:
The Review Manager inside CustomerGauge’s application allows quick access to all reviews.
- Companies may comment on reviews. To update your comment is just type the message and publish it again from the Customer Details Page.
- Block offensive reviews with a short statement published as to why a review was blocked from the Customer Details Page. To update your comment is just type the message and publish it again.
- You can access the Review Manager from the Setting tab in your menu
- You can create your review sites and manage them.

The Company details seen on the review site can also be controlled from inside the CustomerGauge application. You can change or edit the text at any point of time (even if a site has already been published) and click on the save button to save your changes.
You can also add filters to your review sites. The filters work in the same way as our reporting filters, you can add as many filters as you want. Please note that the filters that you apply here you restrict the comments that show in your review site and your NPS score shown on the rating widget.
For more information on how to set up your review click here
Companies can embed a rating widget showing the latest summary of their NPS, averaged rating and 5-point star rating, on their own site or other digital outlets.
How is the Star Rating Calculated?